Chapter 26: Nameless, Faceless

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"Get your vengeance, Laura," Voldemort said with enthusiasm.

Lucius shoved the man closer to Laura as she remained completely frozen in place. "I... I don't understand," she whispered, glancing at Voldemort before looking back at the man who was now forced on his knees.

A flash of annoyance radiated in Voldemort's eyes and Severus could see him almost lose his temper.


"When I first heard about you, I became... fascinated," Voldemort said smoothly as he looked at Laura. "You were an enigma I could not decipher, so I had you followed."

Worry danced in Laura's eyes as she thought of what Voldemort knew about her and an evil grin formed on his face. "I learned quite a bit about you. And when I heard that a man... a muggle tried to kill you and nearly succeeded... I couldn't help but think, why would you let him do that?"

Laura remained silent. "Was it love?" Voldemort questioned. "Was it fear?" Voldemort moved behind Laura as her eyes stayed locked on the familiar face from her past. "You were so young when he... raped and beat you." Voldemort grew closer to her. "At first, I felt enraged that a witch would be so defenseless against a muggle, but I have to remember that you were young and orphaned, untrained in your gifts, but that is no longer true."

Severus stared at the man; this wasn't Chris, there was no way this was him. Severus saw his death; this wasn't possible. This was someone else.

Voldemort glided around Laura, to the man, yanking him by his hair, making his eyes lock directly with Laura's. "Please, don't do this!" he pleaded. "I'm... I'm not who you think I am! Please! I don't know what's going on!"

Laura's eyes slowly moved away from the man as they drifted to Voldemort. "This isn't Chris. Chris is dead," Voldemort said flatly. "But you still deserve vengeance."

"What are you talking about?"

"I had Lucius follow you. He witnessed the night Chris attempted to kill you," Voldemort told her. "But to everyone's surprise, it was Chris who was killed. Lucius collected some of his hair after your aunt got rid of the body. Do you understand where I'm going with this?"

Polyjuice potion.

Severus involuntarily took a step forward but Lucius, who had moved to stand next to Severus, grabbed him by the arm, and shook his head. "Don't interfere," Lucius whispered, making Severus step back.

"If it's not Chris, who is it?" Laura asked. She looked at the man, the nameless, faceless man, wishing she could know who he was.

Voldemort cocked his head. "Does it matter? He's a muggle!"

"What was his crime?" Laura's voice got lost in the laughter radiating from the death eaters. A muggle was worth nothing to death eaters; they were a waste of space, vermin to the earth.

"He's a muggle, Laura. Isn't that crime enough?" Voldemort questioned. "You will do this. You will get your vengeance and I will see your power. Show me what you are capable of."

Severus stared at Laura, seeing heavy hesitation in her eyes. Voldemort told Laura of the gift he had for her, but this gift wasn't really for her; it was for Voldemort. Voldemort would be the only one reaping benefits that night; he would not only see Laura's powers, but another muggle would be wiped from the earth.

Severus could only feel worry for Laura as he watched her. Laura was being brought to her past with the face staring at her, but it wasn't Chris. It was someone else. Someone else who had probably done nothing wrong. Just a victim of perfect timing. Severus continued to stare at Laura, knowing that millions of thoughts and questions were running through her head: What if this man was a husband? A father? What if his family thought he abandoned them? What if his children were always left with the burden of wondering why they weren't good enough for their father to stay?

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