Chapter 1: The Beginning of the School Year

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Hi, everyone! I've never written fanfiction before and I decided to try to write something based on one of my favorite series, Harry Potter. This story starts during the fourth book of the series. This series is rated mature because there are some dark and explicit scenes later in the story. There will be some things that don't line up with the original series, but I hope you all like where the story goes. Things start off slow, so be patient. ;) 

Severus had never seen eyes like hers. Well, he had seen Lily's eyes, which were a bright green, a bright green he had fallen in love with. But this new woman sitting beside Hagrid at the dining table in the great hall, had dark green eyes. Dark green eyes with light swirls dancing in them. She was sitting far away from Severus, but even from afar, he could see her eyes and they terrified him.

Dumbledore rose from his seat, moving in front of the entire school, ready to make announcements to get the first feast of the year started. He began by reminding students of the basic rules, from places that were off limits and explaining the house cup to first year students. He then moved to introduce the mysterious new woman sitting at the dinner table.

"I'd like you all to give a warm welcome to Professor Laura Morellis! She comes all the way to us from America and has a lot to teach on the subject of Defense Against the Dark Arts. I'm sure you will all be very welcoming." Dumbledore smiled as he gestured to Laura. She smiled and waved ever so slightly at everyone staring at her from their seats in the dining hall.

Severus watched her for a moment. He had never seen anyone quite like her. She had dark brown hair that must have been long, as she bound it in a clip with some of it brushing against her face. Her dark eyes rested softly against her pale skin. She looked young. Severus thought she couldn't be more than twenty-five, which irritated him. He's wanted her position for years and yet, Dumbledore never gave it to him. Instead, he gave it to someone who looks like she was too young to have any experience in the dark arts, and it was a surprise to everyone that Dumbledore had brought someone new in. He stared at her a moment longer, noticing that she was petite, but she had curves in the right places. She wore an intricate purple and silver pendant around her neck. Severus started to feel like a pervert as his eyes fell to her chest and he quickly turned away.

Professor Morellis wasn't the only new edition to the school this year and Dumbledore proceeded to reveal the news of the Trwizard Tournament. He introduced the two schools that would be joining Hogwarts this year, Beauxbatons Academy and the Durmstrang Institute. Dumbledore then explained the rules of the competition, upsetting many students when it was revealed that there was an age restriction, meaning no student under the age of seventeen would be allowed to compete. Many students were upset, but many planned to enter their names to be chosen. Some of the teachers from the other schools came along for the competition and took their seats at the teachers' table for the first school dinner. Dumbledore spoke more of the competition, showing the school the Goblet of Fire and the Trwizard Tournament trophy that would be given to the winner. Three students would be selected for the competition, one from each school.

Severus was already annoyed, as Igor Karkaroff sat next to him, occasionally giving him the evil eye. Dumbledore waved his hands and piles of food appeared on the tables. The first feast of the school year had begun. The great hall erupted with conversations, from students catching up with each other and teachers speaking to each other about what was to come for the new year. Severus glanced at Laura. He watched Hagrid and Laura have an in-depth conversation, as if they had known each other for years. Severus watched Laura laugh and nudge Hagrid. He wondered what they could possibly be talking about. Severus wondered if they spoke of dragons...or spiders. Or other creatures Hagrid loved. Severus wondered if Laura would ever speak to him that way.

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