Chapter 27: Morning Pancakes

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 Hi, everyone! It's been what feels like quite a while. I'm still working on chapters but they are coming out way slower than intended. School and work have been really difficult. I'm also working on a new story, an Alan Rickman fanfic, so it'll be a little different but this story is still being worked on. I have many more chapters planned. But the Alan Rickman one will be about letting love back in after loss so I hope you'll check that out when I release it. As always, enjoy. :)

Severus wasn't one for letting emotions get the best of him but in that moment, the moment of watching that green glow pour from Laura's wand, he felt like his heart shattered into millions of pieces. His eyes traveled from the green glow to the nameless, faceless man, watching his now empty eyes, no life remaining, but merely a lingering terror etched into his lifeless face.

The nameless, faceless man was gone, but his impact would last forever. Severus knew Laura would always wonder who the nameless, faceless man was.

But she would never find out. And that would torture her.

Laura's wand was back in her pocket by the time Severus's eyes traveled back to her and his gaze slowly shifted to Voldemort. Severus wished more than anything in that moment that he could have ripped Voldemort apart, ripped the smug look resting on his face away, ripped him limb from limb.

But Severus knew he couldn't.

Severus felt a rage building in his chest as he stared at the smugness on Voldemort's face. Not only had Voldemort proven the accuracy in his decision of bringing Laura into his inner circle but he had also proven that she would be useful, loyal.

Voldemort would prover her to be a monster, his monster; even if he had to turn her into one himself.

And that terrified Severus.

"Well done, my dear," Voldemort said smoothly. "It must feel nice to see that particular face, dead and terrified, and yet, completely lifeless, does it not?"

Laura swallowed hard. The guilt was mixing with the high of torture in her blood, in her soul, making her emotions go haywire. "Thank you, my lord. Yes it... does." Laura could barely choke the words out.

My lord. How ridiculous she must have felt to utter those words.

Severus watched Laura, seeing an indescribable hurt trying to hide in her eyes, playing hide and seek with Voldemort as he watched her for any sign of weakness, any sign of guilt over killing a muggle.

Laura's demeanor changed as Voldemort watched her. Any sign of guilt, any sign of hurt, faded, hiding deep in her eyes, satisfying Voldemort and he smiled proudly at her.

Severus waited for the death eaters to break from their perfect circle before moving towards Laura. "Your girlfriend is quite the witch, Severus," Voldemort told him with an evil smile.

"She is, indeed, my lord," Severus affirmed.

Voldemort looked to the sky, seeing the rain calming for the moment, but Severus could see the irritation in his eyes, as he had more plans for the evening.

But what those plans were, Severus didn't know, and he felt better not knowing.

"I wanted to continue this little meeting, but the weather is proving a bit unpredictable," Voldemort said with annoyance in his voice. "So, I will dismiss many of you earlier than expected."

Voldemort motioned for most of the death eaters, including Laura and Severus, to leave, but requested that Lucius and a few others, the ones going to collect the prophecy, remained to discuss plans.

Severus felt relieved that he and Laura could leave. He made her take his arm and they apparated to the outskirts of Hogwarts, soon making their way through the darkened empty halls. Normally, he would have felt peace in the darkened empty halls, a peace born from the quiet and the solitude, but tonight, he only felt worry.

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