Chapter 8: Love in the Chaos

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T/W:This chapter does contain brief mentions of depression and suicide.

The next morning, Severus woke to find Laura gone. In her place, was a wrapped present with Severus's name on it. Laura had left a note with it, letting him know it was his Valentine's Day present. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, with memories of the previous night flooding in. He opened the gift slowly, surprised that Laura had gotten him anything. He shouldn't have been surprised, since Laura was unbelievably sweet, but he wasn't used to getting gifts.

The gift was a leather journal, with an intricate debossed ornate crest with Severus's initials embossed in the corner. Along with the journal, there was a new quill with pitch black ink. Severus stared at the gift for a few minutes, feeling emotional that Laura had gotten him something so special. He walked into the living room, wondering if Laura had gone in there, but all he found was a half empty mug of coffee that smelled vaguely of peppermint and chocolate.

Severus stood in the living room for a moment, engulfed by the silence that surrounded him. He found himself walking into Laura's art studio, unsure as to whether she would be fine with him looking around, but she never seemed to mind in the past. He was always amazed as he looked at Laura's artwork, never understanding how she could make such beautiful pieces from nothing. He looked around the room, taking in everything Laura had created. His eyes danced from painting to painting, each as beautiful as the last, before his eyes settled on a book with a green cover he had never seen before.

He nosily opened it before realizing it was one of Laura's sketchbooks. He flipped through the pages, finding dark subject matter, from depression and suicide to many types of dark creatures. Severus felt his heart beginning to ache when his eyes jumped to the dates resting on the pages. He realized Laura had filled the sketchbook with those dark subjects within the last two months. Severus saw one from the day before the Yule Ball and he didn't understand how Laura could have drawn something so dark and so filled with pain, but she could still smile at the ball and look happy. Laura seemed happy when she was with Severus, but he still wondered if she was hiding her true emotions.

He closed the book and left Laura's chambers, making sure no one saw him. He didn't need rumors flowing about the pair. He went to his own chambers to freshen up and put the journal away before going to look for Laura. He wanted to make sure she was doing well after the previous night.

Severus opened the door to Laura's office. "Laura, I wanted to make-" Severus was quickly interrupted by a snarky male voice.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's polite to knock?" Severus looked over from Laura and found Lucius Malfoy sitting across from her, smirking at his own question.

"Hello, Severus." Lucius smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Severus glared at him, not liking the fact that Lucius was even near Laura.

"I wanted to apologize to Miss Morellis for my son's idiocy. I wanted to come earlier, but I was busy with work." Lucius had a coy smile lurking on his face.

"Well, I should be going. Thank you for hearing me out. I promise that my son will never do anything so stupid again and I sincerely apologize for his actions." Malfoy held his hand out to Laura as he stood. She stood and shook his hand. Lucius smiled and began to walk out.

"I'll walk with you," Severus told him.

When they reached the corridor, Severus grabbed Lucius by the arm. "Why are you really here?"

Lucius rolled his eyes. "I wanted to see the woman who survived a spell that should have killed her. Although, I do think Draco made a stupid decision to use that spell, even if it was intended to hit Potter."

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