Chapter 5: Injuries and Birthdays

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Thunder growled through Severus's chambers as his eyes slowly opened early Friday morning. He groggily slid out of bed as he listened to the rain pound against the window. He put on his clothes, already eager to go back to sleep. He stood in his chambers for a moment before hearing a knock at the door.

He glided over to the door, surprised to see Laura there. "Laura, what are you doing here? Is something wrong?" Severus asked. He and Laura had spent a lot of time together since the school year started, but she had never been to his chambers.

Laura didn't say anything as she entered his chambers, closed the door behind her, and stood in front of Severus.

"What are—" Severus couldn't finish his sentence as he suddenly felt Laura's lips crash against his. Severus kissed Laura back, feeling his heart pound in his head from nerves as his hands slithered around to Laura's lower back.

"I want you, Severus," Laura whispered in his ear. Laura's voice felt like velvet traipsing through Severus's ears and he knew he was about to lose all control. Severus looked into her eyes, seeing a desire he had never seen there before. Severus kissed Laura, gently biting her lip, before they slowly made their way to Severus's bedroom. Laura shoved Severus on the bed, which took him by surprise, as he tended to be the one in control, but he was thrown by this beautiful woman now in his bedroom. He didn't know what to even think in this moment. Laura climbed on top of Severus, straddling him. Laura pulled her shirt off and Severus's eyes traveled along her body, following the fabric of her bra. Laura leaned over and kissed Severus as his hands roamed her body, feeling how soft her skin was. He began to feel intoxicated by the scent of blueberries floating on her skin. His hands settled on the clasp of her bra before her eyes penetrated his. "Severus," she whispered.

Severus's eyes flicked open as a loud crack of thunder erupted from the sky. He was still in bed, in his pajamas, and Laura was nowhere in sight. Severus groaned, realizing he was having a dream about Laura. Severus rolled his eyes, not being able to tell if he was more annoyed that he woke up when the dream had barely started, or that it was just a dream. Severus tried to push Laura out of his mind as he got out of bed and began his day.

Severus didn't see Laura much until the night before classes resumed. Even then, he didn't see her at dinner. He passed her in the halls when everyone was heading to their dormitories. He didn't want to look her in the eye as they passed each other. He didn't feel comfortable looking at her when he had a dream about her, especially since he was so irritated that his dream was interrupted.

The next morning, Severus passed her in one of the corridors. Students had flooded the halls, so he was unable to speak to her, not that he had anything to say to her. She looked at him as she passed him, smiling ever so slightly. Severus thought she looked tired or upset, even with her little smile.

The morning had gone smoothly for Severus. He went through his morning classes without a hitch, until Dumbledore called for him. Severus headed to Dumbledore's office and found Professor McGonagall, Harry Potter, and Draco Malfoy also in the office.

Severus glared. "What's going on?"

"We have a serious situation, Severus." Dumbledore was sitting at his desk, looking worried.

"Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter got into a fight and would have accidentally killed each other if not for..." McGonagall trailed off.

"Professor Morellis tried to intervene. Malfoy cast an exploding spell at Potter, which could have blown him to bits and Morellis pushed Potter out of the way. But I don't think Malfoy's heart was quite in the spell and it did not seem like he was actually trying to hit Mr. Potter since Malfoy claims to have aimed slightly off, just to scare him. I genuinely believe he spouted the spell off without thinking of the consequences," Dumbledore said as he glared at Malfoy and Severus felt his heart start to pound. Malfoy looked terrified.

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