Chapter 20: A Memory(s) Revealed

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Severus's eyes flicked open early the next morning as sunlight danced gracefully into the room. He looked slightly down, seeing Laura snuggled up against his chest, and Severus's arms were wrapped around her. He watched her, seeing her peacefully sleeping against him. He was curious if one of them had initiated cuddling up to the other or if they had been like magnets, complete opposites, drawn together, snapping perfectly into place, as if they were meant to be that way.

Severus carefully maneuvered away from Laura and slipped out of bed, trying not to wake her. He quietly went downstairs and made coffee. His mind stayed heavily on Laura, wondering how she would feel when she woke up, wondering if she remembered the previous night.

He stared at the coffee as it brewed, lost in thought, before rummaging through the pantry, finding ginger tea. He could only assume Laura would be hungover and hoped the tea would help soothe the symptoms. Once Severus had everything ready, he moved back upstairs, drinks in hand.

Laura was curled up asleep and Severus carefully put the drinks on the nightstand next to her. He went to move away, planning on leaving the room, as he was unsure if Laura would want him there that morning. He felt a hand wrap around his wrist, and he looked down, seeing vibrant green eyes looking up at him.

"You're awake," he said quietly. Laura let go of his wrist and laid on her back.

She nodded. "You don't have to leave," she said sleepily.

Severus gave her a gentle smile before getting into the other side of the bed, slowly sipping coffee. "How are you feeling after last night?"

Laura yawned. "Better than I thought I would. I do have a bit of a headache, though."

"Do you... do you remember anything from last night?" Severus asked quietly, curious if she remembered the pain she felt, if she remembered the secrets she spilled, curious if she remembered telling him she loved him.

"Well..." Laura thought for a moment. "I remember that you got Derrick away from me. I remember feeling satisfied that you liked milkshakes. I remember..." Laura trailed off and Severus stared at her. "I remember telling you I still love you and I remember trying to kiss you, but you stopped me because I wasn't sober. You wanted me to see how I felt when I wasn't tipsy."

"And... how do you feel now?" Severus asked curiously, feeling his heart race.

Laura looked at him, a gentle warmth in her eyes. "I love you, Severus."

Severus's heart skipped. "Can you say that again?" Severus asked quietly. He hadn't heard those words in so long, he wasn't sure if he was imagining them.

Laura smiled softly and sat up. She slid into his lap, straddling him. She cupped Severus's face, brushing her thumbs against his cheeks, while Severus's eyes stayed glued to Laura's every move. Laura gently brought her lips to his and Severus nearly melted at the contact, feeling peace in the kiss, warmth in the kiss. It felt like lying in an empty field on a calm autumn day, with no worries in the air, only joy and happiness dancing in Severus's soul. Laura pulled away slowly from his lips. "I never knew what it was like to have a home until I met you. You felt like a safe place and... you still do. I love you, Severus. And I still want to be with you," Laura said quietly as her eyes drifted over Severus's face. He stared at her, trying to process what she had said. Severus thought Laura would never love him again, and yet, she had never stopped loving him.

Severus wrapped his arms around Laura, pulling her into an embrace. Laura rested her head against his shoulder and Severus buried his face in the crook of her neck, letting her familiar scent take over his mind. "I missed you," he murmured against her skin.

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