Chapter 17: A Sunflower Memory

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The next two months were consuming for Severus. Laura's memories were plaguing his mind and he desperately wanted to find her, but she was difficult to track. Severus knew she had a house in America, but she never told him where it was, and he could find no information on it, causing him to feel even more hopeless.

The more he analyzed Laura's memories, the more he realized she was more than a witch, but he didn't know what that meant. Laura's memories created more confusion than Severus thought possible. He didn't know why Laura made it seem like her grandfather was dead and yet he was still alive, living his days somewhere worse than Azkaban for a heinous crime, but Severus didn't know what crime that was. He didn't understand how Laura was capable of killing the way she did or creating storms the way she did. He didn't understand any of it. Laura's memories created a chaos of parts and pieces in Severus's mind, and he was unable to put the pieces together.

Severus was tormented by Laura. He missed her. Every so often, he would smell the soft scent of blueberries lingering in his chambers and he would wonder if Laura was there, but he never saw her and he was afraid he'd never see her again. He was terrified that his actions sent her over the edge, causing her to end her life. Severus wasn't a religious man, but he still prayed that she was all right, even if no one was listening.

Severus had managed to avoid Dumbledore's questions about what happened with Laura for nearly the last two months. He had barely spoken to Dumbledore until he came to Severus asking him to teach occlumency to Harry Potter.

Severus was against the idea, but agreed anyway, dragging Harry to the depths of the cold and icy dungeons for several lessons in occlumency. By the third lesson, Harry had shown very little improvement.

"Will you focus, Potter?!" Severus's voice was filled with irritation.

"I'm trying! We've been doing this for hours! If I could just rest, I could—"

Severus glared at Harry. "Do you think the Dark Lord is resting? Because he isn't and he will prey on you like the pathetic child you are! You won't last two seconds if he invades your mind." Severus grimaced as he stared at a disheveled Harry. "You're just like your father...pathetic...weak..."

"My father was a great man!" Harry yelled.

Severus grabbed Harry by the shoulder, flinging him into a chair. "Your father was a swine!" Severus yelled back before casting the legilimency spell.

"Protego!" Harry screamed as he pointed his wand at Severus.

Flashes of Severus's memories attacked his mind... memories of abuse... memories of bullying... memories of his first date with Laura.

"Enough!" Severus growled.

Severus slowly moved to Harry, grabbing him by the shirt collar. "You and... Professor M-Morellis?"

"What?" Severus seethed. "You're wondering how someone like her could want someone like me?" Severus's words were like acid dripping from his mouth, especially since he had asked himself that same question more than once.

Rage was seething from Severus's eyes as his knuckles turned white around Harry's shirt collar. "Your lessons are at... an end."

"I didn't—"

"If you tell anyone what you saw, I will make your life a living hell." Severus released Harry's collar. "Get. Out." Harry scurried out, practically running from Severus's rage.

Annoyance and anger bubbled together like a potion gone wrong in Severus's chest. He felt ready to explode with rage as some of his worst memories were brought to the surface. He felt even angrier that Harry knew of his relationship with Laura, at least to a point. Severus grabbed the edge of a desk, digging his nails into the wood before he moved to the shelves nearby, gripping an empty jar in his hand. He stared at it and soon, his anger became too much, and he threw the jar, causing it to slam against the wall and shatter into thousands of pieces.

A Light in the Dark (Severus Snape x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant