Chapter 22: Born from Truth

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TW: Mentions of sexual assault

"My lord," Severus said quietly, "I was on a trip."

A scowl grew on Voldemort's face as his eyes practically pierced into Severus's body. "A trip that was important enough to make me wait?" Severus stared at Voldemort, unsure of what to say as he saw heavy irritation lurking in Voldemort's eyes. "Sit, Severus. We saved you a seat, despite your tardiness."

Severus stared at the chair, beautifully hand carved and a deep shade of black, with intricate snakes wrapping through the design. He slowly made his way to the chair, sitting next to a fellow Death Eater at the long, ebony table, adorned with a Death Eater at every seat.

"What made this trip so important, Severus?" Voldemort inquired.

Severus's eyes shifted to Voldemort and Severus no longer saw irritation, but curiosity in his eyes. Severus understood why Voldemort would be so curious, as Severus appeared to be loyal and was never late when called. "I truly apologize for the delay, my lord. I went overseas to... find someone," Severus told him carefully.

Voldemort narrowed his horrendous red eyes. "I need a bit more detail, Severus."

Severus knew he couldn't deny Voldemort's request for information. Severus knew he had to tell Voldemort something, whether he wanted to or not. He looked around him, seeing all Death Eater eyes on him. "I went to look for Morellis. Since she left Hogwarts, she returned to America and on Lucius's advice, I tried to get close to her before she left, and we became somewhat close, but I hadn't heard from her since she left." Severus looked at Voldemort, seeing intrigue in his cold, dead eyes. "No one had heard from her for months, so I went looking for her, to see if she would join us." Severus stared at Voldemort, not wavering on his lies as his occlumency shields were higher than they had ever been.

Voldemort remained quiet for a moment as his eyes lingered on Severus. "I must admit, Severus, I am most impressed with your dedication to our ways. Miss Morellis seems like she would be an asset to our cause," Voldemort said as he leaned back against his chair. "Tell me, did she seem receptive to your invitation?"

Severus tried to keep his heart beating steadily, knowing that one slip up in his lies could cause his very demise. "She was interested but needed some time to deal with personal matters of her own. I'm not sure when she will be able to come here."

"Did she mention what these personal matters were?" Voldemort asked. Severus saw curiosity practically seeping from Voldemort's eyes, making Severus realize just how interested Voldemort was in Laura.

"No, she did not, but I expect we will see her soon. If not, I will personally reach out to her," Severus said. He wanted to make sure no other death eater, especially Lucius, went near her.

"Did you obliviate her after what was done to her?" Voldemort asked.

Severus hoped no one would ask him that question. Even though he loved Laura and wanted her to know the truth of what happened to her at Malfoy Manor, part of him wished he had obliviated her. Not for Voldemort's sake, but for her own, to take her pain away. "I did not," Severus said. "There was no need to. She understood that you need to test loyalty and she has nothing to hide from you, my lord."

Voldemort seemed pleased with Severus's answers, at least for the moment. The meeting continued onto other business, but Severus's mind was elsewhere. He hated being in that room and he hated even more that he felt like he was dragging Laura into a war she was never meant to be in.

After the meeting, Voldemort requested a private conversation with Severus.

"So, she was receptive to us?" Voldemort asked again.

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