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Thankfully, Mina has an odd moral code when it comes to party games, and urged everyone not to ask what happened. The rest of the party went incredibly smoothly, with a few rounds of truth or dare helping to open everyone up. After a couple of hours of coming to agreements and talking about all that happened in the past few months, along with a lot of talking between the groups about past events, it was really easy for everyone to come to common grounds with each other. Even Bakugou and Midoriya's friendship seems to be on a good track. Momo and Jirou are the last to leave, hugging us all tightly before getting picked up by Momo's driver. The suite feels considerably hollow and empty without the guests. "Well, that was the party, guys!" Mina smiles. "That was a ton of fun, guys. We should invite them again sometime, Mina." Sero smiles, before checking and heading to his room.

Kirishima grabs the dishes from the table, and Bakugou starts to clear the living room table. Mina runs to the bathroom to get ready for bed, and I start to take down the decorations. "So, do you guys think you'll give Midoriya another chance?" I ask the two, and they both let out a sigh, with Kirishima starting. "One party isn't gonna change what happened, but he's on the right track. He's trying. That's all that matters to me personally." He shrugs, continuing to scrub a plate. "Bakugou?" I ask, and he looks over, looking down at the floor. "We both have a lot to work on. It's not all him." He says, meeting my gaze briefly before starting to wipe the tables down. I take streamers and balloons off the walls, putting them in the bag Bakugou was using. We clean up for a little while, largely in silence. Once the dishes are done, Kirishima takes his apron off, before approaching me and Bakugou. "Hey, I'm off for the night. Take it easy, and get some rest, alright?" He tells us, giving a smile of encouragement before walking off to his room.

Just as me and Bakugou finish cleaning up, Mina pops her curly pink head out of her room, and looks around. "Kiri head off for bed already?" She asks, and we both nod. She frowns before saying, "Well, alright, have a good night, you two." She shuts her door behind her, and I start off for my room. "Hey, give me like 10 minutes, and then head to my room. Get comfy, too." Bakugou says to me before brushing past me lightly and heading into his room, the orange lights illuminating the hallway for a moment before he shuts the door behind him. I close my door as well, flipping my small lamp on. I walk past my bed over by my dresser, and pull out a pair of pajamas with clouds on them. I put my hair up into a ponytail, and slip a pair of fuzzy socks on, before getting changed into the pajamas I picked out. I wonder what Bakugou wants me in his room for. Hopefully we can just relax, as after the conversation Midoriya and I had tonight, I can't take much else. Worriedly, I open my door once again, heading back into the hallway, and walk all the way down to his room, giving the door a light knock.

He opens the door a sliver, just enough to see that he's once again shirtless. I think back to how flustered I was the first time I saw his chest. I gotta stop getting so nervous. He smirks, eyes low, before opening the door to let me in. I enter his room again, and he closes the door as I take a seat on his bed. "So, how was kissing Kirishima?" I asked softly, and he scoffs and cracks a smile. "You tell me." He dims the lights and hops onto his bed next to me. "I can't believe his spin landed on me, what kind of luck is that?" I giggled and he furrows his eyebrows. "Oh, it's funny, huh? How was your seven minutes with Deku? Couldn't hear a thing in there." He retorts, a touch of jealousy in his tone. I averted my gaze and prepare my explanation of the things that were said and what exactly happened. "You can't say anything to him or anyone else." I order Bakugou, who turns to look at me, confusion on his face. "What? I-" "Promise." I urge him. His pinky meets mine, and he looks at me, bewildered by my seriousness, before nodding, eyes still locked to mine. "I promise." He assures, eyes widened as I pull my pinky away and take a deep breath before beginning.

"I'll start by saying we didn't do anything but talk." He sighs lightly and nods. "I asked him why he kept acting odd and attacking you for seemingly no reason, and he told me he wanted to get back at you for everything you did to him as a kid. He told me nothing specific, but he talked about how you hated him, and how nobody knows exactly how you were to him back then, except for you two. Then he burst into tears, and told me that he felt that I would pick you over him from the beginning." Bakugou averts his gaze to the floor, grabbing his neck and sighing. "Damn... I didn't realize those early years still affect him like that." He whispers, nervously running his hands through his hair. "What did you do to him as a kid? What could you have possibly said or done to make him cry like that?" I question. He looks up at me, a guilty expression on his face. "Honestly, I barely remember. It seems so long ago now. I didn't really... he never really told me." He stammers, pulling his knees up and ducking his head between them. "I knew I was a dick, but I didn't know it was that bad for him. Bad enough for him to cry like that... in the end, he got everything he wanted, anyways." He sighs loudly and pulls his head up. "In his own words, he got everything but me." I laugh nervously. He turns to look at me, a puzzled expression plastered on his usually stoic face.

"I don't even know what to do next, Amari. I almost feel like he's be better off if I never tried to patch things up, so he never has to think about me again." I laugh a little, a smirk creeping onto my face. "I don't think he'd think of you any less." He rolls his eyes a little and stifles a laugh, regaining his usual stance. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I move a little closer to him, reaching my hand out to meet his. "I'll be here for you, the whole way. You two are gonna get over whatever it was that happened. One thing about Midoriya is I can tell he just wants you to see him like he sees you." He nods his head, and locks his eyes to mine, the red of his eyes just barely peeking through the darkness of the room. "But... I don't know what to do next with us, either." He smiles nervously. I laugh quietly, and a light blush creeps onto his face. "Well, for us... anything, really." He moves in closer, and as I look up to meet his gaze again, our faces are only inches away. "All I know is, I'll never let anything happen to you again. I can't lose you." I lean in, and kiss him slowly.

"You won't have to."

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