27- Let Me Tell You A Story

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Playing with the utensils on my tray has become my passtime activity. Soul says she'll move me to a new room as soon as she can trust me enough, but she barely even talks to me, and I only see her once or twice a day. Carmen told me it's been a week since the dance, and that Soul should be getting ready to "test my trust", so hopefully I don't just have to sit here and play with forks anymore. Soul walks into my room, but this time without a guard or Carmen. She's never entered alone. "Well, Amari, it's been long enough. It's time to tell you my plan for us. I intend to have you use your manifestation to give me new quirks. We'll be starting soon." She says, smiling and taking a seat across the room from me again. "Can I ask why you want to get new quirks? Can't you just kill someone to get it?" I ask, staying calm and collected.

"Amari, let me tell you a story."
"Uh, okay"
"There was once a young girl, who was smart and beautiful. Her parents were quite wealthy, and she got everything she ever needed in life. She was so smart that she decided to study at UA as a support technician. She had no quirk of her own, but she was determined to help anyways."
"While studying at UA in her last year, she met a gorgeous woman. She was kind and sweet, and very talented. She had a smile that lit up the room, and her quirk made her beam with light when happy. She instantly fell in love with this woman, and wanted to be with her. So as soon as she graduated, she told the woman how she felt, and they were together for a very long time."
"Now their only problem was the woman wanted children of her own. The girl, now grown, encourages the woman to have children, through artificial insemination. She was there with her through every twist and turn of her pregnancy, and she stood beside her as she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl."
"When the baby was very young, only about 3, she left her woman to visit her parents, only to be taken hostage by a group of villains. There, she was experimented on, and given a terrifying quirk. The ability to steal the souls of others when killing them. They used her as a pawn, and when she was finally strong enough, she broke free and saved another girl, who reminded her of her own."
"She returned home, happy to see her lover and daughter again, where she was turned away harshly, and asked to never contact them again. This broke her heart, Amari. So, she vowed to get back at all villains for the rift that they placed in her relationship. Once all villains were eradicated, she could finally return home to those two beautiful girls."

"So, you need me to give you the power you need to see your daughter and wife again?" I ask her. She smiles and looks away, wistfully. "I don't wish to kill anyone else, Amari. With your quirk, I can gain the power I need to get back at these lowlife villains, especially the few who wronged me, without taking another soul." I sigh, trying to take it all in. "Well, who's to say that they even still want to see you? Do you still know where they are?" She pulls a piece of paper out of her pocket and approaches me. She slides the photo under the bars, and I grab it. She gives me a warm smile and nods. "Open it. This will help you understand." I unfold it and gasp, dropping the photo out of my hand. Its a picture I've seen before, but never got to see the full thing.

It was a photo of my mother after giving birth to me.

Standing to the side of her, was Soul.

"Your daughter, your lover..." She nods. "Your mother was the love of my life. You were just as much my daughter as hers, but once I was taken away, she didn't see it that way. I returned different, broken, and changed. And all she wanted was to protect you. I can understand why she did, but I couldn't help but miss you, Amari. Look how you've grown." She reached beyond the bars and grabbed my face. "I'm so sorry that you had to find out this way, you were so young when they took me, that you must never have remembered me. It pains me. All I ever thought about was you and your mother." My head begins to spin. "You're my other mother?" I ask, barely able to wrap my head around it. She nods, and opens the cell door to envelop me in a hug.

"For the safety of us, your mother, and your friends, I am begging you to help me, Amari." I am left to think. Thoughts whirl around my head. I had another mother this whole time? Why would my mom not say anything to me? I've not seen a single reference to her anywhere in the house, no pictures, no belongings, no stories. Why would she keep this from me? "I know it is a lot to take in, and I'm sure you have many questions. I have a full album of pictures of you that your mother allowed me to keep, that I will show you when I feel you are ready for more. I can understand if you need a moment to think." She says. The evidence is hard to dispute. It all makes sense now why she was so interested in me specifically. And if she wants to defeat the villains, that means Bakugou will be able to get out. I have to put my own feelings aside. If I have to be the one to save everyone, so be it. I'll endure any amount of pain to save them, to save him. Before she has a chance to get up, I wrap her in a hug, beginning to cry.

"Of course I'll help you, Soul."

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