21- The Dance, Part 2

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"Look at them all, having fun."
"Man, I miss going to school."
"Shut up, you'll get us discovered!"
"Quiet. We need to be very careful with this, and make sure we strike at just the right time. There are already Pro Heroes here, we don't need to have them getting in our way."


"Come on Bakugou, you can dance a little! Get the stick out from up your ass and move!" Mina yells out, dancing to the beat. Bakugou seems annoyed but begins swaying to the beat slightly. Kaminari bumps into him, and smiles nervously. "Sorry, someone can't contain his enthusiasm." Jirou laughs and pulls him back in. For a minute, I watch them dance, but my eyes track also to Sero and Yaoyorozu, whose dress flows behind her as she dances. Even Mina and Kirishima are having a fun time together. I direct my attention to Bakugou, who's awkwardly looking at his feet.

"Not a dance person?" I ask him. He smiles slightly and shakes his head. "I've never been one to go to these things. Other than prom, of course, but aside from that, I've never really seen the appeal." "Oh, well, I hope I'm not annoying you with dumb things like school dances." I feign hurt and he laughs. "I didn't mean it like that, Amari." "I know, Katsuki." His eyes widen, and I can see his face redden slightly. "Katsuki?" "That's your name, isn't it? Bakugou Katsuki?" I smirk. His face reddens more. "Well, yeah, but I've just never... you always call me by my family name, like pretty much everyone else."  I ruffle his hair a bit and he furrows his brows. "Well, Katsuki is nice, too."

After a while, the stoic, stand-offish Bakugou we all knew loosened up a bit, and began dancing to the songs. Every now and again, Midoriya would glance over, and I would shoot him a quick smile. The music begins to quiet and the lights dim, twinkling off of the dresses and suits. A slow ballad turns on, and everyone couples up. I look around, and our friends eyes are darting between me and Bakugou. Nervously, I look back at him, and he gets red in the face again before grabbing my hand and placing it on his shoulder. I grab his other hand and place it around my waist, and his eyes get wide for a moment. Seeing him so worked up makes me giggle, breaking the awkward silence a bit.

I look up into his eyes, the sparkling red hue lighting his entire face up. We sway gently to the song, and I fight the urge to lay my head on his chest. I still am unsure what we are, so I clear my throat and ask. "Hey, Bakugou?" He looks down. "I don't mean to jump the gun, but how do you feel about ... us?" He glances to the side, and from the corner of my eye, I notice Kirishima nod his head. He focuses back on me and clears his throat. "I'm really glad you asked. I've been working up the courage to tell you how I feel." Before he can continue, I hear someone calling my name behind me.

"Amari!" As the voice gets closer, I realize it's Midoriya, approaching me with Uraraka. Bakugou sucks his teeth, and I squeeze his hand and shoot him a look, trying to settle his nerves. "Hey, I just wanted to say sorry for anything that could have happened between us. Me and Uraraka were talking and I realized we barely talk anymore! I hope it's not anything I did wrong." He smiles. I try to agree and bury the hatchet, but Bakugou steps slightly in front of me, making Midoriya take a step back. "No, it's because she realized what kind of person you were, and wants to hang around people who are better than that shit."

"Oh, so I'm the person she should be worried about, Kacchan? Not the angry, overdramatic powder keg and his enablers?"
"You say that like you're not the same old hopeless freak who is so good at manipulating that no one realizes what a piece of shit you are!"
"Guys, really..."
"I'm sorry that it hurts you to think that you might be the problem here and that everything you think about me is wrong, but I have been nothing but a friend to you, and you always attacked me for no good reason."
"No, Deku, you are the problem! You don't realize it over the sound of everyone sucking your dick for the bare minimum shit, but you'll never be more than what you really are beneath their praise and that mask you wear."
"Oh, fuck." I hear Mina say from beside me and suddenly, both friend groups are trying to stop the two from arguing.

Students begin running out as a rush of air slams the gym doors shut. The arguing stops immediately. "What the hell is going on?" Kirishima quietly questions. Tsu and Iida pry on the doors. "They won't open!" They yell to us, and continue to bang on the doors. "We're trapped?" I say, beginning to feel anxiousness take me over.  I can hear a laugh overhead. I look up and see a girl with blonde buns, shushing me before rushing down and landing on the floor. The doorways get cut off by an eruption of blue flames and a fog covers the room.

"This time, no one will be here to save you!"

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