30- The Plan

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"Did you hear anything like wind, planes, trains or cars?" They ask us. We all shake our head, I don't remember hearing a thing. "Midoriya, can I get another description of the room?" The chief asks. "Of course." I agree, swallowing a lump in my throat. "We were in a large jail like room, with only cells on one side of the wall, and an empty area ahead of us. There were enough cells to hold us all, and the entire area was lit with artificial light. There were no windows, and only one door." I explain. He nods again, looking over his clipboard intently. "And who was there that day in the gymnasium?" He asks. "It was Shigaraki, with Dabi, Toga, and Twice. There were several faceless bodies that looked almost like mannequins, and there was also a disembodied voice." Iida reports, his deep, serious voice wrapping everyone in the room. The chief furrows his eyebrows and looks back at his clipboard. "We know of the League and their many cronies, but they must have a new villain under their wing, and new artificial henchmen to come with him. Did anybody see who the disembodied voice belonged to?" He asks. Everyone shakes their head or utters a small no. He scratches his head and sighs, obviously stressed. "Alright, well for now, you all are dismissed."

We all walk out of the interrogation room, an uneasy feeling fogging the air around us. "I hate that we just have to sit around and wait for this shit to pass. Our friends are still out there!" Mina grumbles. Kirishima envelops her in a hug, giving me a weird look, and I look away instinctively, to the distance. "I have an idea." I say. Everyone's eyes trail to mine, and I feel my chest twist. "What if we just find them ourselves? It's not like we didn't find Kacchan the first time the League took him." I ask everyone. They look around at each other, almost like they're waiting for someone to object before looking back at me. "We can do our own research, we can find them on our own-" "shh!" Uraraka pinches my arm, and I wince a little. Everyone's eyes are now focused behind me. I look and see a couple of our third year friends approaching. "Hey, Deku!" I hear Mirio boom behind me. "Hi guys." Tamaki practically whispers, and Kirishima's look fades. "Hey, Mirio, what are you guys doing here?" I ask them both. He smiles and rests his hand on my shoulder, looking at me with solemn eyes. "We heard about Bakugou and the new girl, and wanted to help, in any way we can." Tamaki nods along sheepishly, sidling up to Kirishima and Mina. "I was just thinking about trying to find them on our own. I can't sit here and wait while they suffer, and I'm sure everyone else can't either." I say, thinking instantly about Amari and how fearful she looked.

"Well, it would take a lot of work, but I'm sure if we all put our heads together-" Mirio begins but the police and heroes exit the room. Mirio takes notice immediately and smiles brightly at Endeavor and All Might, who walk towards us. "Good news, kids. The police handed the case to us, because of the villains involved. Now, I'm sure you guys are all worried about your friends, and we would appreciate all the help we can get. But I must make this clear, this is not an easy mission, this is dangerous. This shouldn't be taken lightly. Now, would anyone like to volunteer?" We all start talking at once, agreeing to help in any way possible, and All Might laughs loudly. "That's what I like to hear!" Endeavor looks at All Might and looks back over at us. "Like he said, this is no walk in the park. You're all very lucky to have made it home alive after a run in with these villains again. Are you sure?" He asks, looking at me intently. "We're positive, sir! We're going to help." I say quickly. Everyone nods in agreement, including Tamaki and Mirio, who shoots me a supportive thumbs up.

"Well, your part is not starting right now, so I encourage you all to go home for now and rest. You're of no use if you're rusty or exhausted. We'll contact you when we have everyone's part in the plan." Endeavor waves us off, walking away. A few faces fall into a frown, and I open my mouth to protest but All Might cuts me off sternly. "I know it's nerve-wracking to not know when you'll be able to help them, but we have to assess the situation to see what part you can feasibly play." All Might gives a firm nod to Mirio, who nods back, before flashing a large smile. "We're grateful for your help, young ones. Take care of yourselves in this time." He raises his eyebrows at me before walking away to join Endeavor. I hear a few people sigh. "This sucks. I don't want to wait, I'm so nervous already." Momo says. "Yeah, but we're all better off resting and letting them tell us where we best fit. Their best chance is a thorough plan, not a rushed passion project." Todoroki points out, before heading off to head home. People begin making their way out, and I'm now left to head home with the uncertainty of it all. Kirishima also lingers, and it takes me a few minutes to realize he's still here with me.

"Kirishima?" I ask. He looks up at me, confusion on his face. His normally kind eyes are furrowed into a painful expression, and a single tear falls from his eye. "Kirishima, are you alright?" I ask again, approaching, but he quickly motions for me to stop, halting me in place. "Why did you have to do that to him, Midoriya?" He lets out in a whisper. I shake my head, unsure on what he's talking about. "What do you mean?" I ask, and Kirishima scoffs, a smile of disbelief on his face. "What do I mean? Do you even hear yourself, Midoriya? We may not have been in this position if not for your reasonless argument. Why did you have to interrupt him like that? You knew EXACTLY what you were doing." I'm floored and he shakes his head and whispers behind another tear. "You caused this. You're the reason they're both captured again. To think you call yourself the better one." Kirishima walks away, leaving me alone for real this time. I think about it and remember that I intruded at a terrible time. But I couldn't help but stop him from confessing.

He doesn't deserve her.

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