8- What's So Important

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I followed Bakugou to his room. His was on the farthest end of the hall, to the left. Walking down, I saw everyone had something on their door to indicate who it was. Kirishima has a little box of red hair dye, Kaminari has a pikachu, Sero has a roll of tape, and Mina has a little green alien. Bakugos room was across from the bathroom, and his door was mostly empty, aside from a small burnt mark across the knob area. He grabs the handle and opens the door, flicking the lights on.

His room is lit a dim red/orange, and posters are hung up around the room. His bed is against the wall, with red cotton sheets and black decorative pillows. He had a black and red set of beanbags, and his TV was a small smart tv, resting on a desk across his bed. The posters ranged from different bands to games and movies, as well as a singular, wrinkled and weathered poster of All Might. There was a small pile of clothes on the floor by his heater, and yet the room still looked very spacious.

"Well," he said lightly, "this is my room. It's not much, but it's home." He switched the heater on and plopped onto one of the bean bags, relaxing. His demeanor now is a whole lot different than how I saw him earlier in school. "You can sit down if you want, you don't have to stand there all awkward and shit. I won't blow up." He laughs. I smile nervously and sit down, placing my bag on the floor next to me. I still wondered what was so important that he had to talk to me alone, but I decided I'll follow his lead and let him do the talking. He flips on the TV, putting on some music. "I hope you don't mind, I just like having music going in the background of whatever I do." He says, and turns the volume down a bit. "Not at all." I respond.

"So, like I said out there, I'm sorry for how I acted at school. Deku- well, Midoriya and I weren't always at odds like this. We were childhood friends. I was a dick, though, and it was easy to put him down. I'm not proud of it, but I can at least recognize that much." He looks over at the All Might poster on his wall. "We were both obsessed with All Might, he was the number one hero. What little boy wouldn't be? But there's something different about Midoriya. He's connected to All Might in a way I'll never understand. And I'm connected to All Might in a way that I never imagined." He sighs.

Then, a gentle knock is heard at the door, before it opens. "Hey, guys!" Mina says. "Just checking on Amari. You want any more pizza?" She says to me, with a smile on her face, eyes darting between me and Bakugou. "I'm good, Mina. Thank you, though." She nods her head, before leaving. "That pink alien, always reading the room." He jokes. I laugh a little, and redirect my attention back to what he was saying. "If you don't mind me asking, Bakugou, how are you connected to All Might?" His face drops into a frown, and he stares into the distance.

"When I was in high school, the League of Villains captured me. They saw me in a high school tournament that we did a while back, and they saw how aggressive I was. I was something of an ass, I'm sure you saw." He gave me an embarrassed smile and I laughed. "So they kept me hostage. All Might saved me, and used up all his power on defeating All For One, the head villain at the time. He almost died trying to save me. I felt useless, and it felt like it was my fault that he had to retire from his hero duties." It looked like he was tearing up. "I'm sorry, Bakugou."

"What I'm about to tell you next is something I haven't told to anyone else, but I feel like you need to know." He says to me, a serious expression on his face. I look into his red eyes, and feel warmth. "Midoriya was given his quirk from All Might himself. All Might chose him to be his successor." I gasped. Is that why he reacted so shocked when All Might was our Hero History teacher? And why All Might paid special attention to him throughout the class? "Because of this, I find it hard to control my anger, because he got everything I could have ever wanted, approval and praise from our favorite hero. All I got, was the feeling that if I hadn't been so stupid, All Might wouldn't have gotten so hurt. So, we've stayed fairly at odds."

"That's a lot to take in, Bakugou." He smiles weakly. "I felt like I had to tell you." He said, "Something about you is really messing with my head, Amari." I laugh, "Probably your subconscious telling you to not be an asshole, huh?" I joke. He smiles widely. "You're a good person, Amari. It's been a while since I found someone I felt I could trust. So, what about you? Got any interesting secrets you wanna share with me?" "Nothing too crazy, but you can ask me any question you want to, I'll answer honestly."

We sit and talk for a long time, about my family, my quirk, how I ended up at UA, and my favorite heros. Time flies by, and we just casually continue to talk. He tells me a little about his family, too. "Hey, wanna show each other our quirks more? We'll have to go outside for mine." He says, with a wild look on his face. "Yeah, let's go!" We run out onto the balcony and down into his yard. He stands in the yard, and I see him start to sweat. "My quirk is explosion. My sweat is made up of nitroglycerins that allow me to cause massive explosions." He throws up an apple and explodes it with a small blast. "I can't go wild out here, though. For one, it's cold, and also, I don't want to get in trouble again. So, could you just write down something like, "I'm the best hero in the world?" He says with a cheesy grin. I laugh. "Nope, tried that before. "Aw man!"

"What can you do? How do you attack?" He asks, coming back to the balcony where I now sat. "My quirk probably can never be used for combat, the doctors say. I'm only going to be able to help in a support role, like you saw earlier with the invisible wall. I can do this, though." I gesture to the sky, and after he looks up, I write, "the clouds form the shape of Bakugou's head." They shimmer and shine, moving together to form a Bakugou shape. "That's cool! So, you couldn't fight with this? That must be hard." He says to me. "Haven't needed to use it to fight yet." I respond and he nods.

"Well, I'd better get home now. I gotta get up bright and early for another day of school." I say with feigned enthusiasm. He looks a little disappointed. "Here, you should probably take my number down so we can talk more. I think we'll be good friends, Bakugou." I smile at him. I scribble my number down and hand it to him. "Yeah, thanks for talking to me, Amari. I appreciate it." He smiles. I look into his eyes again. Before I can say anything else, my head spins, and I'm knocked to my feet. "Amari?" Bakugou asks, and rushes towards me. "Are you alright? What happened?" "It's nothing, I just got a little dizzy." "Let me take you inside."

As Bakugou worriedly helps me inside, I can see a faint figure behind him. It has blue shaggy hair, and a detached hand over its face. It rips the hand off, and puts a finger in a "shush" motion, before smiling and disappearing. I wait until we get inside to tell Bakugou. "Hey, not to sound crazy to you or anything, but there was someone outside." I try to tell him. Bakugou gets Kirishima's help to lay me on the couch. Everyone walks in after us, "Amari? Are you okay?" They ask, hovering over me. "He had a hand on his face, blue hair. He told me to keep quiet." Bakugou's eyes widen.

"The League is back."

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