6- The Invitation

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Something about him, was just so interesting. I was really fearful for what he would do to Midoriya, but it seemed I made him more upset with him. Even still, he continued to glance at me throughout the class. Why? If he was so angry with me, why was he continuing to be flighty? It just didn't make sense. He seemed like he couldn't stop looking at me. Was it my quirk? Was he scared of me?

I continued down the hallway behind Iida, leading us all to our next class, Hero and Villain History. His glasses were pushed up high, and he had his usual stern face and robotic movements. Todoroki was up closer to Iida, and they seemed to be talking about something. Uraraka and Midoriya walked close together, laughing about something. "Hey, Amari!" I hear from behind me. I see a familiar pink alien approach me. "Hey, Mina. Your friends are interesting." I laugh.

She giggles. "Yeah, I told you they're not conventional. They're all sweethearts, though, once you get to really know them." She gives me a friendly smile. "So, I was thinking, maybe you should come over to our place! You'd get to know them a lot better, and I think Bakugou should get a chance to prove himself. He's not as crazy as he made himself seem today. So, what do you say?" Her eyes widen in anticipation. Mina was the first one to approach me, and she's been nothing but nice to me. And aside from Bakugou, which I'm guessing is his name, all the other guys seemed chill enough. Besides, he seems like a big pushover anyways. I'm sure I'll figure out how to get along with him.

"Yeah, Mina. I'll come over." I agree. She lets out an excited little yell and says, "Awesome! Let me give you my number, come around 4 or 5!" We exchanged numbers and walked to our next class for the day. I walked into the Hero and Villain History class to see the teacher is All Might, former number one hero. "All Might is teaching Hero History???" Midoriya says under his breath. Wow, it's really him, I think to myself. Bakugou and his friends walk in, and Mina floats away and begins chatting with Kirishima. He flashes me a toothy grin and a thumbs up. Bakugou looks back at me, and looks me up and down, before directing his gaze back to Kaminari and Sero.

For the rest of the class, I would subtly catch Bakugou staring over at me. I tried to take notes about what All Might was saying on my phone. When I write my notes out, it can become... problematic, for obvious reasons. Sometimes, I wished I would be able to see emotions and intentions. It would make my life so much easier. But so far, it hasn't worked. Should I try more? Probably not. Tempted, I scribble quickly in my notebook. "Bakugou gets the urge to tell me why he keeps staring at me after class."

I stare over, seeing if anything happens, or if he seems affected. Suddenly, his eyes widen, and he whips his head around to look at me. I quickly avert my gaze, and watch him from my peripheral. When he looks back towards All Might, I look over at him. He looks affected in some way. Can that be possible? These types of things have never been possible with my quirk. Could he be different? Could I be getting stronger? I try to push it out of my mind, and try to listen to All Might.

"Please review this syllabus, and make sure you write your due dates down. I don't want anyone to tell me they didn't know when something was due! This course is very important, and History must not repeat itself!" All Might pats Midoriya on the back after handing him the stack of syllabus's to pass around. "If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Otherwise, you are free to go. I will see you all again soon!" All Might's loud voice booms. I see Bakugou begin to get up, and I rush out of the room, wanting to know if my quirk had worked on him but not wanting to for the sake of not getting my hopes up.

Iida and Todoroki rush after me. "Hey, Amari! Are you going home now?" Iida shouts in the hall behind me. I wait for them to catch up. "We were all going to go get something to eat before we headed out." Todoroki suggested, and Tsu, Uraraka, and Midoriya catch up. I see Bakugou begin to exit the room, and our eyes lock. I feel heat, intense, burning heat as I look in his eyes. I break the gaze and turn back to the group. "Mina actually invited me over to their place later today, so I gotta rush home and tell my mom before she gets worried." I say, honestly.

"You're gonna hang out with Kacchan, Amari? After what happened today?" Midoriya asks me, with a concerned expression on his face. "Yeah, it's okay, guys. I can hold my own." I smile. "Well, you should probably give us your number so we can stay in contact, ribbit." Tsu counters. "You're right!" I exclaim. We exchange numbers and I see Bakugou hang around, waiting for everyone to leave. When the group goes, I hang back, and he approaches me. "Amari-" he starts, but I cut him off. "Don't worry about earlier," I brush him off, "we'll talk at your place." I give him a warm smile, and he nods and walks back towards Kirishima.

On the bus, I get a text from Mina. "Hey, just take your bus in the opposite direction of the school, and get off three stops past your stop. I'll be at the bus station waiting!" I text her back "Okay" and shut my phone off. What am I going to wear? Should I put makeup on? More importantly, did my quirk work? Or was it just a coincidence? I rush into my apartment, and see her cooking dinner. "Mari, I'm so glad to see you! How was your first day?" She hugs me immediately. "It was great, actually. I met a lot of friends and one of them wants me to come over to her house." I smile. She beams, and a beautiful glow eminates around her. "That's wonderful, Amari! You'd better get ready!" She shoos me to my room. I shut the door behind me.

Let's hope this goes well.

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