37- Safety, Part 2

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"Alright, they secured Bakugou, let's go!"


Back in a hosptial looking room, I lay in a bed, my friends around me. Mirko nods at something and turns to the group. "They'll need us there, let's go."
She and Hawks rush out of the room, and the rest begin to head out themselves. "Hey, wait! Are you guys going to get Amari? I have to help!" I protest. They look back into the hall and then look at themselves, nodding. "Send her in." Kirishima says. In walks the Recovery Doctor. "Hello, Bakugou. How you've grown." She pinches my cheek, and I wince. "Just heal me, Recovery Girl." I tell her, and she rolls her eyes before extending her lips and kissing my cheek. Instantly, I feel energy fire through my body and spirit rise in my chest. I stand up, sparking my hands and after seeing explosions again, I let out a laugh. "It's Recovery DOCTOR, boy. And please, be careful." She warns, as we run out. "I just need to grab my hero outfit, give me a few minutes." I tell the group. They look at me, worried. "I'm alright, guys." I reassure them, and Kirishima gives me a welcoming smile, causing a wild grin to plaster across my face as I remember the reason we're fighting.

"It feels good to be back."


The guards have been unrelenting, and for some reason, they aren't able to get their quirks nullified by Eraserhead. They're incredibly agile despite their size, and pack a very mean punch. Thankfully, we seemed to have lured most of them outside, and we're fighting them in front of the house. Everyone here has a guard that they're fighting. The reinforcements will be here soon, though, and then a few of us will be able to go inside to save Amari. I hear a series of booms from behind me. Booms that sound all too familiar. "Is that... Kacchan?" I look back and realize I see him, in his hero suit, flying through the air, with the whole rest of them just behind him. Everyone notices their arrival, and the sense of urgency returns. "We've got these guys. Eraserhead, Deku, Mirio, go!" Kaminari yells as he shocks the guard I was fighting. We nod our heads and make our way up the lawn.

Coming through the house, there's many locked doors. "The house seems empty, despite looking lived in." Eraserhead notes as Kirishima uses his hardening to kick the locked doors down. We find a door with stairs leading up and down. "I'll head down, you should head to the top floors." Eraserhead reassures, and runs to the descending stairs. "I'm going after him. Yell if you find her!" Kacchan yells out. I start up the stairs, and the others follow. We see that the stairs go up further, but I lead us out into a long hallway, with a whole bunch more locked doors. Mirio puts his head through a wall and pops it back out. "Do you see something?" I ask, and Kirishima gets ready to kick the door down. "I can't say for sure, but I thought I saw something move." He admits, before heading towards the stairs. "Mirio, wait! Where are you going?" I ask, and he turns around. "I'm running to get Eraserhead, he'll cancel her quirk. Go in there if you want to but be safe." He yells out, and runs down.

Me and Kirishima are left to walk in the seemingly empty room, before seeing a closet to the far back of the room. We approach slowly, and we see a little girl sitting alone. I enter the space, and extend my hand out to the girl. "Hi, we're here to help. Come with us." She reaches her hand out and we hear a clatter and turn our heads towards the noise, seeing Amari and the woman from the attack of the apartment. Amari holds her hands out, and the woman stands behind her, in awe. Kirishima and I look at each other and feel our quirks rush through our bodies in anger, ready for whatever this woman is trying to throw at us. "Wait!" She says, holding her hands out. Wind whips her long, white skirt around her, and her hair flies in her face. "Wait, you don't understand. She's... she's my mom." Amari cries. "Please, don't hurt her. She's good." My eyes widen, but I don't let my guard down, and neither does Kirishima, who extends his hand out to Amari. "Amari, this is a dangerous villain, she captured you and Bakugou with the League of Villains. Come with us, and you'll be okay, but its not safe with her." Tears well up in her eyes as she begs. "You have to listen to me, she's not a villain! She's been used by villains and is getting back at them. I'm helping, and then we'll be able to live in peace!" The woman, speechless, stands behind her, with a subtle smirk on her face.


"Eijirou Kirishima and Izuku Midoriya." She whispers, and their quirks fizzle out again. I look back, to see her worried expression has turned into a smile as she steps away from behind me and positions herself in front. "Stop right there!" I hear from the door. Eraserhead walks in and immediately locks eyes with Soul. "You're not Amari's mother, you liar." He says, and she laughs. "Soul?" I ask her, worried. "Amari, listen to me...your mother was killed just minutes before the attack at the gymnasium. We found it odd as the only thing missing at the time was a few trinkets and photobooks." My head whirls. "No..." I whimper. "I saw the pictures... she's-" "Amari, she has a media manipulation quirk. She is able to alter photos and videos, print or digital."

My heart feels pulled from my body, as I see Carmen in the closet, crying. "You... you lied?" I ask her, hoping Soul will reassure me. "I'm sorry, I just wanted you to be mine, Amari... you're perfect in every way, and I wanted us to have it all. All three of us. Our family." She gives me one of those smiles again but I back away. "You made me transfer your pain to me... you made me make you more powerful." I say, anger beginning to course through me. "They wouldn't have understood!" She cries. "Detain her as gently as you can. Amari, use your quirk-" Eraserhead is cut off as Bakugou blasts through the room, pushing himself forward in a flash. Just as Midoriya and Kirishima begin to warn him not to attack Soul, his face twists in anger and he hits Soul with a large explosion that sends her crashing into the wall and knocking her out. "AMARI!" Midoriya yells before the pain begins to hit my body. He rushes to me and looks in horror as a swift line of fire singes my dress, blistering my skin. I look out at Bakugou, the wind taken from my lungs, and drop to my knees. I see them screaming and Bakugou approaches, as I feel the blood in my hands. The blood begins pouring from a shallow crater in my stomach, staining my dress and floors.

My ears ringing, I watch in horror as everyone yells and runs out, heading towards Soul. Bakugou stays, and I see tears in his eyes as he curses himself and tries to stop my bleeding.I finally fall flat to the floor, and I cough blood. "Bakugou, help me." I say weakly, feeling my vision fading. I feel him grab me and blast away, tears streaming down his face as he flies through the air.

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