13- Reflecting

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As I got ready for school the next day, I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. The dizziness that I got, the overall weakness as I was getting the explanation on the league. The fear of not seeing Bakugou emerge from the window, but rather Tomura Shigaraki. The fear of seeing the severed hands all over his body. Him towering over me, inching closer and closer into a corner until Midoriya and Bakugou broke through my bubble, followed by the heroes. Bakugou's frustration of not killing Shigaraki. The warmth of wrapping myself in his arms, my eyes welling with tears.

I give my mom a hug goodbye again and fly out the door, narrowly making the bus. I hop on, and Uraraka and Mina are on it. They wave at me and I smile and sit down next to them. "Hey, guys!" I say to them. "Hey Amari!" "Wait, if you and Bakugou and everyone else all live at the same place, how come they don't take the bus?" I ask, confused. "Well, they drive. I get on the bus to have me and Uraraka time, because it's so draining to only be around boys." Mina laughs, and Uraraka cracks a smile. "Hey, you heard that we're going to a meeting to discuss what happened yesterday with the headmaster and police, right?" Uraraka asks me. "I shake my head No, and get a text from Bakugou, asking to meet him there. "Well, now I have."

Me, Mina, and Uraraka all walk up the stairs towards the meeting room. We enter, and everyone's already there. I see Bakugou over by the rest of them, a seat empty to his right. Hastily, I rushed over and sat next to him, and he gave me a light smile. Headmaster Nezu then begins. "Hello, all. I first want to introduce myself, I am Headmaster Nezu. We are working closely with local law enforcement to figure out the meaning of this attack. If you will, please listen closely to the questions they have and answer honestly and to the best of your ability."

The questioning only takes a few minutes, with a couple minor questions. Finally, the police asks, "Did anyone hear anything or see anything that would suggest a reason for their attack?" I look over at Bakugou nervously and raise my hand. "Shigaraki talked to me directly." Nezu and the chief of police widened their eyes and looked at each other before asking me to continue. "He knew my name, but he didn't know how my quirk actually worked. He said I could be an adversary, and he also mentioned Bakugou. My guess is he may have wanted to take us under his wing." There's scattered speaking and gasps, and the chief clears his throat. "Miss Amari, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a few questions when you conclude with class today." My heart drops and I nod, as now everyone turns their attention to me. "Thank you, students. You may head to class." Nezu smiles.

While all of us walk out, All Might walks past. "Well, hello, students!" He booms. Bakugou's face falls and Midoriya smiles nervously. "I heard about the league attack, I hope you're alright." He gives a nod of solidarity in Bakugou's direction, and his eyes wander. He takes off towards his classroom, and we continue to Bio. "Hey, Amari. I didn't get to ask if you were okay yesterday. He didn't hurt you, did he?" Midoriya says, with kind eyes and a smile. "Not physically." I laugh, hiding the lingering fear under humor. He rests his hand on my shoulder. "Well, I'm just glad Kacchan and I got in there when we did." He smiles wider. Bakugou turns to look at me, and sucks his teeth, giving Midoriya a glare. I sense an issue could arise, and give a little distance between us. "Thanks again, Midoriya. You and Bakugou really helped me out." I give Bakugou a smile, and he smirks, continuing his conversation with Kirishima.

Cementoss is already beginning notes on the board when we all walk in. "Hey, you gonna sit with us, Amari?" Kirishima smiles, his teeth matching the spikiness of his hair. I look back at Midoriya, who gives Bakugou a slight squint. "Yeah, I'll switch it up today." I smile lightly. Bakugou looks relieved, and smiles, as Midoriya's eyes trace my shoes. "See you later, Amari." He says, a twinge of sadness in his voice. I sit down in between Bakugou and Mina, and she turns to me and raises her eyebrows with a smirk. "Alright class, listen closely. We have about 8 weeks to get through all of the material before the midterm. If you all pass the midterms in both my class and All Might's.." he continues,

"There'll be a school dance."

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