20- The Dance, Part 1

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(A/N sorry for the late update, I've been working nonstop and was struggling to find the motivation to finish this chapter. Thanks for reading!)

Hopping off the bus, we make our way towards the courtyard, our shoes clacking against the pavement. I glance at my phone and see a text from Bakugou.
See you soon :)
"Hey Mina, where did the guys say they would meet us?" We cross the street and pass the gates. "They should be behind the fountain. That's where they said they'd be meeting us." Mina skips around, her skirt flowing behind her. Looking around, the courtyard is speckled with students in dresses, suits, and dress clothes. I see a couple people from our class among them. We reach the other side of the fountain, and they're nowhere to be seen.

Mina glances at her phone, then scans around. "Where the hell are they?" She exclaims, taking a seat on a nearby bench. "Wait, is that them?" Uraraka points out into the distance, where a limo is outstretched. It pulls up closer to us, but the windows are too tinted to see who's inside. "There's no way that's them, we could never afford a limo." Mina squints. A woman I've never seen before emerges from the car, and Uraraka and Mina glance at each other in disbelief. "Momo could!" Uraraka yells.

The woman, who must be named Momo, exits in a floor length cream colored gown. Another woman exits behind her in a purple two piece dress. "Are you sure that's them?" I ask again, before I see Sero exit in a white button up and tie. Kaminari follows in a crazy patterned suit. Kirishima comes out, his hair spiky as always, in a regular black suit and tie. And shutting the door behind him, Bakugou exits the limo, wearing a black button up and a red vest. They make their way over to us and Mina immediately hugs the girl in purple.

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"Sorry ladies, we had to make a pit stop

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"Sorry ladies, we had to make a pit stop." Sero says, putting his arm around the woman in cream. "How have you been?! I missed you so much." Mina lets go of the woman in purple. She looks at me and smiles. "New college friends?" Mina gasps and looks at me. "Oh, this is Amari. Amari, this is Jirou and Momo, we went to high school together." Momo smiles widely and extends her hand to shake. I shake it limply and she laughs warmly. "It was a good way to get us all back in one room. If I had known you were so close, I would have had my driver pick you all up!" She tucks a weft of her shiny, black hair behind her ear.

"Alright, I'm here, we can start the party now!" Kaminari yells as he approaches, popping his jacket and ruffling Jirou's hair, revealing what look like aux cords hanging from her ears. That must be her quirk? She rolls her eyes and ruffles his hair back, and he rushes to slick it back into shape. "Evening, ladies!" Kirishima yells as he gets close, sidling up to Mina. "Leave me in the dust, why don't you!" Bakugou booms out, still quite a distance away. I giggle a little, and Momo looks over and smiles.

"Oh, so THIS is Bakugou's girlfriend! You're so pretty, how did he manage to get a girl like you?" A blush heats my face and I struggle to answer with something that sounds like I know what I'm talking about. "God, imagine if she could have met him when he was in high school, she'd have run far far away!" Jirou jokes. I continue to stammer, trying to say anything, when he approaches. "Aw, jeez, are you guys already bombarding her with your endless stories?" Bakugou says as he gets closer, placing his hand on the back of his neck. "Oh, not yet, Bakugou." Momo smiles, and winks at me.

I give an awkward smile before Uraraka quietly says, "Should we go in now?" We all look back at her. She was so quiet, for a minute I swore she snuck off. "Yeah, lets head in!" Mina agrees, and grabs Kirishima's hand, leading him along. Everyone continues and I trail behind with Bakugou. "You look ..." he trails off, and I can see a bit of a rosy tinge on his face before he continues. "You look beautiful, Amari." A smile creeps on my face as I feel my heart flutter a bit. "You look nice too, Bakugou." I look down at my shoes as we walk towards the gym section.

Signs and streamers lead the way for us as we enter, and the faint sound of music grows louder as we walk in. Balloons line the floor and streamers line the ceiling, with huge strobe lights flickering off and on. Many people are already in the gym, and a few people turn and look at us walk in. Momo gains the most attention, as her expensive jewelry almost glimmers against the lights, illuminating her naturally. Mina's sparkles on her dress also catch the light, making her shimmer as she walks.

We find a place to sit on the bleachers, and set our stuff down for a while. Mina and Kirishima take to the dance floor first, surprising no one. The rest of us sit around for a while, and Uraraka sits off to the side. "Oh, there they are!" She yells out and runs to the doors. "Is THAT Midoriya?" Jirou whispers, and Bakugou's gaze snaps forward. My eyes trail towards the group, who practically captivated everyone's attention.

Iida and Tsu walk side by side in first, her hair flowing behind her, in a cute, light green ruffled dress

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Iida and Tsu walk side by side in first, her hair flowing behind her, in a cute, light green ruffled dress. Iida is wearing his suit and tie as always, but has a matching light green tie. Their energies are so opposite, it's mesmerizing to watch. Then, of course, the eye candy. Todoroki walks in, linked arms with a girl I havent met, but have seen around. Her brown hair is in a neat bun, and their eyes are equally striking. Todoroki wears a plain white button up and bowtie, while the girl he is with is in a baby blue backless dress, with heels that wrap around her legs. Uraraka walks in with Midoriya, who shaved the sides of his fluffy green hair and wears all black. For a moment, I see him glance up at me. He gives me a friendly wave, and continues.

"Come on guys, don't just stand there! Its a dance!" Mina yells up at us from the floor. I look over at Bakugou, his eyes still trailing Midoriya, an angry gloss over his red eyes. I put my hand over his and grasp it lightly, and he looks back at me immediately. "You heard her, let's go dance." I say lightly, as he stumbles over his response. I laugh and he puts his hand behind his neck, forfeiting and standing up.

I guess this is why they call it a dance, huh?

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