5- In Your Eyes

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Who the hell does she think she is? I don't even know this girl and she thinks she can just butt in and try to prevent me from going after Midoriya? I don't know where he got his new friend from, but if she thinks she can just talk to me like that, and step in where she isn't concerned, she has a big storm coming. She doesn't know me or what I represent. Why don't I show her? I feel my quirk sparking up in my hands.

"Listen, I don't know who you are, so clearly you must not know about me and who I am." I say to her, turning my attention away from Midoriya. "Bakugou, really man, you gotta chill out! She was just showing us how her quirk worked!" Kirishima butted in, giving me a quick glance with a reinforcing smile. "Yeah, that's all. And you're right, I don't know you. But I'm Amari Natsuko. My quirk's manifestation. Whatever I write comes to play." She flashes her notebook and I read "An invisible wall is erected around Midoriya." There's a chorus of wows from Kaminari and Sero, and Kirishima smiles at Amari.

"Regardless, don't mess with me. I'm gonna be the number one hero, so don't get in my way." I approach her, and stand directly in front of her. She looks up at me and into my eyes, an inviting yet hard expression on her face. "If you want to be the number one hero, Bakugou, you should probably be a little nicer to your classmates." I try to look away but my eyes are locked in place, staring at the pink hue of her eyes. Why isn't she afraid of me? Even my own friends can't really control me, and are always afraid that I'll blow up on them. But not her? She smiles and I'm able to look away, but before I can say anything else, the doors open.

"Good morning, class, and sorry for the delay. I got caught up with another professor." A loud voice booms. Midoriya and Uraraka both run to their seats and Amari takes one last look at me before following suit. I turn my attention towards the professor, and I'm floored when I see Pro Hero Cementoss. "I'm sure most of you are already aware of who I am, but in case you aren't, you may call me by my hero name, Cementoss. Whether you're majoring in Hero, Sidekick, or Support roles alike, I welcome you to UA." He slams a few books down on his desk and picks up a dry erase marker. "Let's begin, shall we?"

The entire class goes by and I can barely focus on Cementoss and his monotone droning about the expectations of the class. I find myself glancing over at Amari more times than I want to. I'm still really pissed off that anyone would even think to stand in my way and insert themselves into my business like that, and yet somehow, she interested me. She seems like she could fit in with me and our friends, because she obviously has the balls to keep me in line, but that stupid green haired nobody got to her first. I turn to Mina. "Hey, did you figure out who that girl is?" I ask, trying to sound unassuming. "Yeah, I saw her on the bus and got her to chill with me and Uraraka. Why?" She asked. So Mina actually got to her first. Maybe she can convince the girl?

"I was just wondering," I tell her quickly. She raises an eyebrow, and I know she knows more, but she keeps quiet, as I would assume. I steal another glance at her. She was looking down, doodling something in her notebook. Her pinkish-white hair draped over and onto her desk. Was she using her quirk? Was she using it on me? I find myself overthinking far too much. I see her begin to turn her head, and I quickly whip my gaze to Cementoss. "Alright, your homework for today is to go over the expectation sheet once more for yourselves. Study it well, I'll be testing you on it tomorrow," he says, "You're free to go."

Everyone starts to get up, and I feel like I need to rush towards her. Something almost makes me feel like I have to apologize for being an asshole. "Hey, hey!" I try to get her attention, but it seems she was too far back in the crowd to hear me. "What's up, Bakugou?" Kirishima asks, still beside me. Mina gets a smile on her face and I glare. "Nothing, I just thought I would try to see what that girl's about." I make a quick excuse. "If you want, I can talk to her more. She's really sweet, actually. You'd like her." Mina offers. I nod my head and think. "Why don't you invite her over to our place or something, and we'll all see then." I say. Mina grins widely and runs off to catch up. "You alright, man?" Kirishima asks again. "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it."

I have to know more about this girl.

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