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march 4th.

when i was told that he was "off limits"
and that "he's no good" maybe i should
have listened.. no matter who the people
were that were saying it and how they
treated me, or how sweet the boy
seemed, i should have listen.

i've spent all day at school wondering
what i done to deserve to be treated like
this or whether i just jinxed myself by
saying that everyone leaving me is just
my luck but i mean, i guess i was right.

everyone does leave eventually and it's
my luck for it to happen right in the high
of moments. 

to think i was supposed to be hanging
out with you and your friends this weekend,
literally two days from now, something that
i was actually excited to do since i haven't
been invited to hang out with people i
consider friends for almost over a
year now..

you know what.. the funny thing is, your
friends even said that people probably
shouldn't mess with me because my parents
are "powerful". i don't necessarily agree
with that, but doesn't seem like you did
either because here i am being hurt
once again.

i sit here, my eyes tearing up as i write
this, all my mind can think of is you and
all the small memories we shared..

from sitting on the stairs at the front
of the school since i missed my bus and
was waiting for my mom and you didn't
want to leave me sat there alone, to helping
each other out in chemistry, to you bring
me out of my comfort zone and making
me go to that party with you.

and how god damn happy you made me

and the only reason i'm in this position
right now is because of that stupid note
you passed me on my second day of classes,
which i still have by the way, where you
called me pretty and your friend made
me give you my number in return.

i must of looked so stupid only a few
days ago when you told me that you'll
never leave me and how you'll do
anything for me..

i deserve better daniel

well anyway on a more positive note, at
least i got my first kiss out of it lol

— angel

HIGH LOW; djs ✓Where stories live. Discover now