17 - a little overwhelmed

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chapter seventeen

third person;

loud music, dim lights with a couple colored light boxes that the boys had placed in the living room and kitchen, teenagers drinking alcohol and smoking, and conversations taking place all around the house.

this being angel's first high school party she wanted to enjoy the night, but she came quickly to realise once it had commenced and everyone started arriving that this wasn't her scene at all.

so instead of finding new people to socialise with, she stuck by daniel. zach and taylor had wonder off on their own and the rest of the boy's friends left as well, leaving just them hanging out together.

"you okay?" daniel asked, slightly leaning his head down so he could hear her response better.

"i-" she cut herself off while she glanced around the room. "i'm just a little overwhelmed with there being so many people here."

"come with me.."

he grabbed ahold of angel's hand, leading her through the crowd of people and over to corbyn once he had spotted him in the kitchen pouring himself and his girlfriend another drink each.

"hey bro," corbyn done a small handshake with his friend once daniel had gained his attention. "what's up?"

"we can go hang out in your room can't we?" daniel responded, slightly pointing at angel with his free hand.

"yeah bro got get it," he partly slurred his words as he let out a laugh and done a handshake with daniel once again.

"thanks," he softly shook his head at corbyn while furrowing.

and with that daniel had led angel away from the other boy and upstairs, corbyn laughing to himself for a few minutes before grabbing his drinks and going back to his other friends.

"daniel gonna go fuck angel," he informed carlie, jonah and the two other girls that were stood with them. "boy got gaaaame."

"oh.. okay.." jonah slowly nodded.

"i think you should keep that to yourself.." carlie added, placing her hand on her boyfriend's back and lightly patting it a couple times as she grabbed her drink from him.

meanwhile upstairs, daniel shut the door behind themselves and took a seat on the end of the bed while he watched angel awkwardly stand in front of him with her arms lightly folded as she glanced around the room.

"why are we in here?" angel slightly tilted her tilted her head as she looked back at the boy.

"quieter area, no one around," he softly shrugged.

"oh, um.. we didn't have to, we could've stay downstairs, i wouldn't have mind," she babbled. "like i promise i'll be fine if we go back downstairs."

"it's fine angel," daniel let out a small laugh as a smile stayed on his lips while his eyes glued on her. "come sit down," he added patting the spot beside him on the bed.

angel gave him a smile in return and listened to him, joining him on the end of the bed. "see everything's fine," he said, placing his arm behind himself for support and turn his body to face her better.

"i jus- i don't know.. i'm still a little scared.." she mumbled, causing the boy to look at her confused. "i don't- i like hanging out with you and your friends but i don't want this school to end up my last one.."

"can i ask what happened there?"

"um.." she shrugged, trying to find the right words to explain without making herself sound petty. "just things got spread, my words were twisted and then no one liked me.."

"it was draining and my parents could tell so when my mom was offered a job here at your police station that's when they had agreed that i could leave there and come here instead.." she continued.

"carlie said earlier that when she was talking to you this morning, you said you went to an all girls school," daniel mentioned, receiving a nod from her.

"girls will find any reason to drag other girls down.. even if you think they're your friends.."

"i'm sorry that that happened," he moved a little closer to her and wrapped his arms around her. she arms also went around him as she rested her head on his shoulder. "you'll always have me.."

she pulled away and looked at him, sniffling a little. "thank you, i guess- i don't know what i'm supposed to say" she replied with a smile plastered on her face.

"that's okay," daniel also let out a laugh. "um this is uh random but can i uh kiss you?" he pressed her lips together as waited for an response.

"i- uh.." she let out a breath, a little speechless from the question. "i've never um.. kissed anyone before.."

"don't worry about it," he gently placed his hand on her cheek, using his thumb to lift up her head slightly.

angel smiled at him as she looked into his eyes before he had leaned in and softly kissed her lips for a few seconds than pulled away. "tha-that was nice.." she awkwardly spoke.

"that was good for it being your first time," he mentioned, his hand coming away from her face and grabbing ahold of her hand. "so do you wanna head back downstairs before people start assuming we're getting up to other things."

"yes please," she nodded, the both letting out small laughs as they stood up.

the two walked back downstairs and still holding hands while there were smiles on both their faces as they made their way through the crowd to where they had found some of their friends, letting go of each other's hands once stay greeted them.

"you two look happyyy," jack pointed out followed by a chuckle. "heard you two went upstairs together."

"yeah but nothing happened," daniel quickly responded, not really thinking much of it but just assuming corbyn told them.

"i just needed space from everyone, i don't really like big crowds," angel added, happy that daniel didn't tell them about the kiss. "daniel helped though.."

"that's cute," taylor responded.

"see told you i'd take care of her," he lightly placed his arm over her shoulder and laid his head against her's.

"why don't you date already?" zach furrowed.

"okay.." daniel let out a small laugh and then pressed his lips together as he lifted his head back up and took his arm off of her.


all i'm going to say is you're welcome :)

also just a small fyi (not that it really matters) but i changed the month on prologue/angels journal to january instead of october just cause of like halloween thanksgiving christmas ect. i preferred the idea of not doing any holidays in the book without skipping over them all like i did in nhtk

HIGH LOW; djs ✓Where stories live. Discover now