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january 11th. 

first day at the new school was sort of a
success. first time in four months i've
enjoyed a day at school. like i left school
happy?? with a smile??

i was paired with this extremely lovely girl,
hollie and her friends were just as nice. the
whole school in general was very nice and
respectful, completely different environment
compared to that last shitty school.

i spent so long wide awake last night
scared of "history repeating itself". yet one
good day doesn't mean life's perfect so i'm
still waiting for the moment the world
crumbles below me and i'm left all alone
once again, cause it's just my luck.

having five people who said i can consider
them friends and including me into plans
right away. plus everyone in my classes
today being so welcoming of me..

it just all seems too good to be true.

friends can turn into strangers so quickly,
so i know i need to make the most of the
time now before its too late. but it's hard
when all i know about "friendships" is being
left out and forgotten about, then suddenly
everyone hates me.

everyone eventually leaves and i'm use to
being disappointed, so maybe it's just easier
to be alone. i mean then i can't be let down.

i don't know. maybe i'm just overthinking
everything too much. maybe they really are
who they've portrayed themselves as today.

avoiding situations are in theory easier but
not as easy as avoiding people. those five
treated me so well today and i won't be able
to bring myself to do the things other have
done to me, to them. even if it's only been a
day. they don't deserve that, no one does.

— angel

HIGH LOW; djs ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang