Bonus chapter 1: Miles's Story

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Hi guys! This is a very important Bonus chapter because It's Miles's POV and it was originally supposed to be a whole book which I will still do when these books get published. The way I've always imagined my readers reading this is by first reading all of the TPS series then the TPM series (which is Miles's POV) and then lastly the series together, starting with first a chapter or TPS and then one of TPM and switching them this way until both series are done.

But since I can't give you the full TPM series right now, I'd love it if you guys would just read one of TPS and then one of TPM so that you can get the same story but in a completely different way.

Keep in mind that this is Miles's story and his book so there may or may not be more POV's ;)

This story starts off just like Madison's did, with a Chapter one, when Miles hadn't met Madison yet, and so for the last time in this series, Happy Reading!

Chapter one

I never seem to get bored of this view, the big black windows surrounding my house always give me all the inspiration I need, looking out at the large trees and realizing just how hidden I am.

I wipe the sweat off my face with a black towel. I can't believe it's only five am, but then again, there's always been something about being here like this before anyone else.

I feel as though I've been working out forever, even though it's only been two hours, with occasional water breaks.  My water bottle is empty and I take my time walking to the kitchen in order to re-fill it.

I see my phone vibrating with messages from Chrissy but I don't have time for her right now and so instead of replying, I turn my phone off completely and place it on the kitchen counter, leaving it behind as I walk back upstairs to my own personal gym; the place I feel most myself in.

I tape a black tape around my fists since the one I had before started ripping apart. I really need to stop this, my fists are constantly bruised and bloody. I punch the bag once and then twice, and then I'm addicted.

I could do this for hours and I remember the first time faces were replaced with this old worn down punching bag, I couldn't stop, the image of bloody faces and broken noses was almost like a drug, but now, I can finally stop fighting, at least fighting people, at least for now.

I kick the boxing bag a little too hard, letting out a rough groan. I let out a deep breath before going into a fast punching pace with no stop for half an hour. My adrenaline is filled and this is all I want, not Chrissy, not parties, not anyone, just this.

It's five-thirty am and I feel too tired to continue but sleeping wasn't an option either, my mind has been filled with thoughts of college. I know I shouldn't give two fucks but a new school is such a damn burden and one that I don't want to. I don't want any changes, everything was fine as it was, I dealt with high school, I had it all under control and now everything feels fucked again.

I know I still have two and a half hours and instead of resting, I quickly put a shirt back on and run downstairs to tie on my black running shoes before heading out into the warm Pullman summer. I feel my breath getting heavier as I walk onto the gravel, covering the front of the house that's way too big for me, but I don't feel like having Chrissy here either.

My long sleeve black shirt and black shorts cling to me as I finally head onto the main road, the streets are empty of cars and I feel completely alone and free. I know I have a good hour running to the WSU campus and back before I can take a shower and head to college. I know Valentina will get all of my stuff to my dorm room, I'm thankful I don't have to touch any of this new school life except for the classes that I'll probably end up skipping.

I breathe in the fresh air, wiping the sweat off my forehead before continuing the walk, spotting WSU from too far away.

I breathe in and out, not feeling my legs anymore from the fast pace I'm managing to keep in my soaked long sleeve black shirt.

I WIPE SWEAT OFF MY body with a black towel before throwing the towel alone with all of my clothes in the dirty laundry and stepping into the clear shower.

I close my eyes and wash my face with the shower head before rubbing shampoo through my hair and allowing the shover gel to move off my body with the water.

I know I don't have a lot of time and I've never liked staying inside the shower for too long because it causes me to think; to think about all of the ways my life is fucked up, starting with Pamela and David.

I wrap a black towel around my torso and head into my bedroom.

I decide on tight black jeans along with a black t-shirt and of course a small shiny earring before grabbing one of my many car keys which are now probably at my dorm and heading to school.

The engine is quick to turn on and before I know it, I'm spotting WSU all over again, hoping and praying this will all go by quickly and painlessly.

I hope you guys liked this Bonus chapter, there's still more to come, and I just wanted to remind you that although TPS is over, I still have lots more books that I'm working on, one of them is on Wattpad called POPSTAR and I promise you guys it will not disappoint <3 <3

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