Chapter 229

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Miles's POV

I managed to find an unexpected bottle of liquor under the front seat and I haven't bothered to not drink some of it, but of course, out of respect, I've left some for Hayden. 

A smirk covers my face as I park a the very front of the place I once rescued Madison from before, but this time the second time will be the charm. Gravel splashes around everywhere and I know that everyone inside is well aware of my presence. 

 I let my black vans hit the gravel hard and I don't even bother to close the door of the now ruined and fucked up Porsche. 

I spit at the gravel before casually running up the few steps that lead inside the fucked up rape house that Hayden has concocted. I kick the door open as hard as I can, letting it hit the wall. With a bottle in my hand, I can't help but smile. Damn this shit is difficult.

"You never learn, huh?" I smirk, closing the door behind me and leaning against it. I watch as Madison's dress is pulled up, her underwear exposed, and her chest not far from being so too. Hayden is fully clothed but he's in a very good position to fuck.

"M'mm'Miles?" Madison questions into the air, her eyes staring at me until they finally close and she passes out.

Hayden looks at me, but he doesn't confront what he's doing and now that I take a better look at him, he's not even really staring at me.

"Tha's no way to treat a lady, is it? I mean I'd ask her but she's passed out isn't she?" I tilt my head and close my eyes slightly, keeping my smirk facing him. But he doesn't seem to want to answer. I take another sip of the liquor bottle.

"Stay the hell out of this!" Hayden yells, charging at me.

"Nope, wrong answer," I smirk, walking toward him as he approaches me, and with one perfectly swift motion, I bang the bottle into his face, smashing it into pieces smaller than anything you could ever put back together. 

Hayden completely crashes down behind me, falling onto the pieces of glass, his head and hands already spilling small pools of blood beside him.

I walk over to Madison and slowly, so carefully, place her straps back on her shoulder and pull her dress down.

"That's only for me to see," I tell her in a whisper, with a soft smile on my lips.

THE ONLY PLACE AROUND was the cabin we've once gone to. I carry Madison slowly into the wooden house that's perfectly sill, everything is in order, everything is calm. 

My feet take me upstairs and I softly place her into what used to be my and Chrissy's cabin room. The bed is comfortable and the subtle spring weather is outside of the window, darkening the room. The blinds are open and I can hear the rain better than ever before.

As I watch her sleeping, I can't help but stare at her soft and goddess-like features—she's perfect. 

I find something soft to wrap my fists into, finally taking care of the wounds that were all meant to keep her mine, but that took her away from me; away from my watch.

"Miles?" I hear her honey-coated voice say and my brows instantly move away from my hands and to her soft eyes.

"Madison," I say as we just watch each other, my lips can't help but be pulled to one side.

"We're at the cabin." She says, her cheeks red, her lips pouty and her eyes tired.

"Where . . . the perfect storm got us together." She says and I smile.

"Yeah," I look up at her

"Where the perfect storm brought us together."

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