Chapter 216

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Hey guys! I'm sorry that I haven't been uploading again, but it can be very difficult juggling life and Wattpad uploads, and even though I love posting for you guys, It's a hobby and not something I get paid for, so sometimes I'm forced to put life first, but I always think of you guys and whenever I can, I sneak in writing which sadly, lately hasn't been very often but upswings and downswings, I hope right now I'll be able to have another bunch of chapters I can get in for you guys!

I stare at Miles who stares back at me, for a second it feels good to remember just what good feels like again but we're interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Madison." I feel Stephanie's arms wrap around me tightly and I feel so protected from the outside world; from everything.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you sooner, Miles made me stay—"

"I didn't want you to have to see her and know I'm here too." He explains and I nod at him, telling him 'thank you'. I'm glad Miles thought about me but I can't deny what has been going on between us. 

The way we left each other, with those words left out in the open can't just not mean anything anymore, they do mean so much and it's not as simple as it was before, it's not to either be with him or let him go anymore, it means too much now, everything does. 

Every decision means too much, it's either make or break, and recently I don't know if making it happen can work anymore.

"How are you?" Stephanie looks me in the eyes, her brown eyes sparkle with worry and for some reason, I can't help but look at Miles; wondering if he's looking at her eyes too. But he isn't.

"I will be." I keep repeating to everyone that asks me that exact question.

"Can I walk you home?" I hear a voice behind me and it leads to Jace. I nod at him and then look at Stephanie who nods. I can almost feel Miles's anger beside me and I when I decide to be tempted to look at him too; I get burned instantly with those snake eyes.

"Mhm," I say quietly with a small nod. He smiles and grabs my hand, leading me away.

Miles's POV

I watch the two leave and I feel absurd sitting here like a fucking asshole.

"I'm leaving," I tell Stephanie briefly, before standing up and walking toward them like a gunshot.

"Oh hell no you're not." She grabs me harder than a girl has ever tucked at my arm; real anger in there. I can't help but allow my smile to play a smirk.

"I fucking love her," I say firmly.

"I am leaving," I tell her more with my eyes than words. She lets go of my arm abruptly.

"That's not what she told me on the phone," Stephanie says and my eyes instantly darts to hers, causing her light-brown eyes to dart to the ground.

"The fuck did you just say?" I question, my face twisted into confusion.

"She doesn't love you, Miles . . . do you see how you treat her? She doesn't want to hurt, not after how much she'll need to hurt from this." She says and looks around the cemetery around us. I grit my teeth so hard that I feel like they're going to smash into pieces, I clench my jaw so hard, I can't feel my jaw anymore and I crunch my nails into my palm, letting my knuckles turn a ghost-like white. I feel my face shake somehow and then my whole body follows. 

I turn my head toward Madison and Jack who I can't see anymore and that's when my hand explodes into the tee right behind Stephanie, causing her to scream at how close I am to her face.

Madison's POV

"I'm feeling better, Jace, I am." I attempt a smile as we approach my mother's house.

"But I . . . I don't want to go back in there, I don't know if I ever will." I say straight out of my thoughts, not giving myself enough time in deciding if this is something I want Jace to hear or not. I don't need him to save me out of the desperate hole I'm in.

"Stay with me." He says, his eyes hopeful, sparkling in a way I can't describe.

"Will Rosie—"

"No, she won't mind." Jace looks down at his feet with a smile.

"Okay," I whisper, thankful that after everything Jace is exactly who I remember him to be, the kind heart and soul he has always carried with him; it's all still there, even though mine isn't.

"I'll grab anything you need," Jace says as if reading my eyes. I nod and let him know that my pajamas and the rest of my stuff are in a small black bag; the one I carry to school.

I look down at my black heels as the rain starts to slowly settle down on everything around me, including the mud and pebbles beneath me, forcing the bottom of my shoes to be covered in just that; mud.

"Is this it?" Jace's voice rings at me and I nod as soon as I spot him holding my black shoulder bag.

He smiles and approaches me.

"You don't have to go there if you don't want to, okay?" He asks and I nod. He takes my hand gently and I feel as though we've both been transformed into the children we once were.

EVEN THOUGH THE only option was to be in Jace's bed with him, I didn't mind. I'm not with Miles anymore, I'm alone right now, and I need the comfort of my best friend. Stephanie let me know that she was on her way home and all I can send her was a smiley face, telling her to get home safe.

"Madison." I hear Jace's voice and I turn around to see him carrying two cups of hot cocoa in two mugs for us. The rain has started to fall down much harsher than before. I grab one mug from him and take a sip of the best hot chocolate I've ever tasted.

"Oh my god, I love it," I say, and Jace chuckles, tugging my lips with a smile of their own.

"I made it with love." He says and my lips stop tugging.

"I'm sorry." He says, realizing something. He looks down at his feet before he places his mug on the nightstand next to me. I haven't been in Jace's room for too long and I find myself missing sleepovers like this.

"I really have missed you, Jace," I tell him and he nods.

"I've missed you too . . . more than you know." He says and I smile at him.

"Oh no," I say suddenly, as soon as I realize I don't have his necklace across my neck anymore.

"I think I lost it in the bed," I say and look around frantically but can't see it anywhere.

"It's okay, I promise nothing in my room will be moved until I find it. Please don't worry about that." He says softly and I nod, letting the worry flow away at his words.

"Not right now." He says quietly and then he smiles and jumps into the bed with me. I can't help but chuckle as he places a large blanket over us. 

I feel Jace's breath on my neck as the harsh rain soaks everything outside of the window; the window that's protecting us from the outside cold.

I turn to Jace and stare at his eyes, they're a perfect blend of blue and grey, something so unique.

"Is it true?" I look down, I'm not sure where I'm looking, my mind is too clouded to think.

"That you, um . . . what Miles said?" I didn't realize It'd be so difficult to say his name, but knowing that he doesn't belong to me anymore makes it hurt so much. I look up at his eyes again, the blue-grey that's so comforting; the only comforting thing about my life recently.

"Mhm." He nods slowly and leans in, my eyes closing and letting his blue-grey absorb me fully. His lips are on mine and I can't help but indulge in the comfort, the sweetness of the taste I recognize from the first time I had it.

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