Chapter 211

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Miles's POV

The rain greets me with a bang as I step outside of Madison's mother's house. I only realize that I really screwed up when I saw her face and now that I know I won't be a part of her mother's funeral or anything that means a lot to her, I'm totally fucked. 

I step into my dark grey Porsche and the engine rives at my touch. 

I don't know where I'm going, but it's going to be far, far away from here.

Madison's POV

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Cody asks for the third time.

"I'm sure," I reply softly even though his questioning is getting on my nerves a little.

"I need to leave this behind, and the sooner I do it, the better," I tell him with a small smile and he nods as he continues to hand me long pieces of tape. 

I need to be able to move on and I need to push myself to do so. My mother will always be with me and right now, that's all I have, it's all I can have. I can't go to her funeral, knowing that I'll only come home and have boxes upon boxes to fill, I'd much rather come back here and have everything packed, keeping her memory sacred. I grab a long piece of tape out of Cody's hand and try to keep Miles out of my head as I plaster a box shut.

"Thank you for the curtains, they're beautiful." I smile at Cody who nods.

"Yeah, uh, they were difficult to pick out, I could have chosen pink butterflies but I thought those were too unrealistic so I stuck with blue." He explains and I can't help but light up at how pure his intentions were. But just as I feel happiness flood into my pained mind and body, my smile starts to fade as I remember all of the horrible things in my life. 

Thankfully Cody is too busy packing to notice that my smile has completely disappeared and all color has drained from my face. I try my best to ignore everything and focus my mind on the box in front of me but I can't and my hands take over automatically, packing everything in sight as I swift away into an endless spiral inside my head, thinking about all of the horrible things that have happened. My mother died, she didn't go to the doctors soon enough, she didn't fix it fast enough and now I'm forcing myself to forget her. Am I a terrible daughter? 

I've been dating a terrible guy, how could he hurt the people around him so much? And Oh god how could Jacob do that to me to spy through the peephole when I was dressing after everything, after the burger we shared, after the pool, and only for it all to be some stupid game. Oh Jacob who is now in a coma because of the guy I love who told me he wasn't attracted to me. Who told me he's getting rid of all of the secrets to be with me but I was one of his secrets, the secret that pains me the most.

"Are you packing those too?" Cody asks, thankfully dragging me harshly out of the storm inside of my head. 

He points a finger at my box and I see that it's completely full and my mother's stack of letters on the very top. I take a moment to just stare as Cody waits for an answer and then I finally shake my head with a quiet 'no.'

"I'm going to keep those." I take the stack of letters and walk over to the small drawer in the corner, placing them safely and securely in the emptiness of the small nightstand. I hear the tape plaster itself off the tape roll and onto the very last box.

"All done," Cody says and I turn around, offering him a small smile.

Miles's POV

I open the familiar door with the familiar scent of cheap perfume; Crystals. The memories of every whore I've been with fills my mind and I feel at ease. Whoever said that distraction was bad in the long run was an idiot. 

I've distracted myself for as long as I can remember and it has brought me nothing but a smile across my face and when I see Lacey approaching, that smile grows bigger.

"Hey, baby." I bite my lip as the very familiar words leave my mouth in a soothing way.

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