Chapter 221

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Miles's POV

"I hope you don't mind." She says as I can't help but stare up and down at her. He legs are bae as her whole body is covered in my damn t-shirt; the one I left in the bathroom. 

This must be god or whatever the fuck madison has made me believe is up there, playing games on me. There's no way this is actually fucking happening. Who does she think she is? I do mind. I mind so fucking much but I choose to ignore her. I deserve this. I keep reminding myself but I don't really believe that I deserve something this cruel.

"I've got to leave," I tell her, hoping she won't realize I'm lying.

"So soon? It's only six-thirty." Of course, it is. Why would time go faster when I need it to? I run my fingers through my hair, "Yeah, uh, I've got to leave, sorry." I tell her abruptly and turn around, not caring about how she's confused over the fact that I haven't finished nearly all of my mac and cheese.

"I thought we could catch a movie?" She smiles so innocently and my heart aches at the memory of Madison smiling at me just like that; before she knew I ruined her.

I heave a deep sigh and try my best to smile back at her too.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I tell her and turn around again, not realizing that a part of me is bothered by letting her speak to me, and for some odd reason, it's even worse to not reply to her.

"Why not? Do you have a girlfriend or something?" She asks and when I turn around she's smiling, her cheeks a bright pink. But the longer she stares the more her smile starts to fade away.

"No," I tell her, looking down at the floor.

"I don't," I say and then shake the fingers in my hair.

"I don't, okay?" I say again.

"Okay." She replies, that smile still a part of her features. I glance at her one more time before exiting through the door as fast as I can, but when I look at her, she's still there with a smile on her face.

I slam the Porsche door shut and turn on the engine, letting it roar. I turn onto the main road in mere minutes and start the drive to I don't know where. But when I see the familiar roads in front of me, even with the traffic around me, I decide to go to the Starbucks I went to with Madison the first time. 

She had no idea what to choose and even though I hope she didn't see it; I thought it was cute. The memory makes me smile and then all of a sudden I'm dragged out of the only thoughts that have made me happy recently by an asshole who beeps at me. I smirk at the look of the white pathetic Toyota. He's now right next to me in a pool of all kinds of shitty cars. I turn down the tinted window next to my seat and with my mirk, I give him the finger and then using the small spaces in between cars to speed through everyone. 

I jump onto a carpool lane for a minute before finally exiting. Having driven here at least a thousand times gives me the benefits of knowing where every single law starts applying and where it doesn't. The cameras aren't obvious but they're there.

I FINALLY ARRIVE AT THE Starbucks and order a venti caramel frappuccino. I smirk at just how huge it is, but if I'm going to deal with today, it better be fucking huge. 

I thank the woman, let her keep the change off a hundred dollar bill, and drive away. I take one sip and then another, and glance at the time on my phone. Forty minutes until class starts. I clench my jaw, feeling the butterflies in my chest. 

I don't what it will be like seeing her again. At the funeral I could barely handle being there, and when she came to me after pirate Jack fucking punched me in the face. My lip is still a little swollen, but if anything it'll only let Madison realize what a fucker her fuck of a fucking friend is. 

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