Chapter 225

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Stephanie's plan worked out perfectly, being accompanied by not only Cody but Jace too makes me smile for some reason. I feel much more confident with both of them by my side. 

They stay behind me as I walk up the steps to the party house. I'm surprised that isn't at Miles's house but I don't let the thought bother me. 

I don't want to think about him, or at least if I do, I want to minimize it as much as I can. I feel so good in this dress, I feel beautiful. Cody is on my right side while Jace trails by my left side.

 They're both a few feet behind me. A few people are hanging out outside and I notice that a few of the boys are staring at my dress. Cody notices them too and instantly places an arm on my lower back, making them all look away. 

I'm glad they aren't Miles because then they wouldn't look away no matter what.

The music is blasting as soon as I step inside. My heels click on the floor and I spot the kitchen.

"Can I get you a drink?" Cody and Jace say in unison and it makes me laugh.

"I'll do it." Cody runs to the kitchen.

"You look beautiful." Jace takes the chance to say and I can't help but giggle. Not getting me a drink was exactly what Jace wanted.

"Thank you, Jace," I say in an almost whisper, my throat feels so dry from the small amount of liquid I drank before coming here.

Cody comes back and annoyance spreads over Jace's features almost instantly.

"Here, babe." He says and I hold in my laughter by biting my lip. I don't like the idea of Cody calling me 'babe' but I also don't hate it, especially not when II know Miles might just hear us. I don't know where he is and but I find that I'm starting to care too much.

"I need air," I tell both Jace and Cody who just stare at me. I find it funny but I don't laugh. I grab the drink from Cody's hand and head outside before either of them can stop me.

I take a deep breath before taking a sip of the drink that somehow manages to warm my insides despite the cold night outside. I spot two people and as they walk closer to me, I can't help but see familiarity in one of them.

"Miles?" I ask but he doesn't look at me. I take a few steps closer, desperately needing to see if it's him.

"Madison." I hear but it's not coming from him although I wish it were. I don't turn around to Jace's voice. I don't want to see anyone but Miles right now.

"Is that your date?" I smile, but my tone comes off as judging and my smile doesn't look real at all, and it isn't. It's not close to real.

"Yeah, she is." He says firmly, staring at me. His eyes are grim and cruel and so is his smirk.

"Can I get you a drink, babe?" He says and then looks right at her. My heart shatters and I feel like I can't breathe, but instead of showing him the weakness threatening to jump into his arms and cry, I sip the harsh liquid from my red cup.

"Are you here alone?" the girl asks and I part my lips but then remember that I'm not. I shake my head and smile, my smile grows and I can finally look Miles in the eyes again.

"I'm here with two guys actually," I whisper, biting my lip. I ake the crup and down the remaining liquid. It was filled up to the very top and I'm glad Cody tried to fit in as much as he could. When the last drop has fallen into my mouth and is running down my throat, I smile again.

"And I'm not wearing a bra," I say and drop the cup on the grass before giggling and walking toward Jace.

I can almost feel Miles's eyes burning a hole into the back of my dress and when I look back, I'm met with his wild fiery gaze. It's like a burning fire; something I can't escape.

"Madison, are you okay?" Jace asks me once I've reached him. I nod and step on the porch with him. He gives me a small smile and then eyes Miles. I look back to see how Miles si responding to Jace's equally harsh eyes but Miles just stares at me and then all of a sudden, letting my heart completely sink into my stomach, he presses his lips hard against the girl next to him. 

I feel as if I'm going to throw up, I feel so bad; so horrifying to just stand there and watch. The kiss doesn't last long but it feels like a lifetime like I'm forced to watch the only person I'm in love with, break me so willingly.

"Can we um, go inside?" I tell Jace who nods. Jace's hand is on the small of my back as I walk inside.

"Something wrong?" Cody spots the expression on my face and I shake my head.

"I'm okay, I'm just going to the bathroom," I tell him and run upstairs. I need some time alone, some time to take desperate breaths. The bathroom is large, clean, and perfect for getting air. I don't want to go alone again, the last thing I need is to see Miles again. I hear a knock on my door but it's soft and calm. It can't be Miles. My heart calms down and I manage to take steps toward the door.

"Are you in there?" I hear a voice that sounds so similar to Stephanie's that I can't tell if it's her or not. 

I slowly open the door and my eyes meet with Miles's new girlfriend. Her brown eyes are so soft, much too soft to know what he's like.

"I'm sorry." She shakes her head and I shake mine too.

"It's okay, I was just leaving," I tell her. I wasn't nearly planning on going yet but I don't want to deal with her or anyone else.

"I actually . . . I didn't come here to use the bathroom, I . . . Miles, he's, he and your friend, they're fighting." She says frantically, her features are worried for me. 

I can feel the color drain from my face as I rush downstairs. Miles's girlfriend isn't behind me but I don't care, I need to stop this, whatever is going on, I need to stop it. As my feet take me downstairs I start to hear it; the way Miles is hurting Jace. 

Oh god, Jace.

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