Chapter 277

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Miles's POV

I don't know how long I've been watching her, but every minute has been heaven. The way her dark brown hair is scattered on now our bed and the way her body is only half beneath the sheets, her shirt slightly lifted off her stomach and her eyes perfectly closed.

I couldn't fall asleep, I don't even remember giving up or beginning all I remember is watching her and admiring the way that everything is now changing because of something so small.

I've researched endlessly, my eyes blood-colored and my hands covered in veins of tiredness.

I rest my hand on her stomach, knowing exactly just how small that baby is right now from all the photos I found online, comparing it to different items and food that somehow didn't seem to describe enough just how precious this thing really is.

My head has been wandering and I know my hand will leave wetness on her stomach from holding her hot skin for probably hours now, but all I can think about is the change; the change I tried so hard to fight yet am now perfectly okay with, perfectly willing to welcome this kid into our lives.

Something like this never seemed right before but it does now; it feels perfect and I know that I want this with her. I know exactly what I want.

Before Madison fell asleep she let me know how important Jace's wedding was and I promised her that we'd leave as soon as we needed to but then she fell asleep and I haven't been able to take my eyes off hers.

Madison's POV

my eyes feel heavy and I barely open them, only to see that I'm flying down the stair, someone's holding me; Miles, but his hands are bloody. and David is in the kitchen and my heart is pounding. I close my eyes and wish for the feeling of dread, hurt, and anger to float away but it doesn't, it stays and it keeps tugging at my heart so hard that I don't know how I'll survive this.

I look behind me and David is there and the familiar feeling of his breath in my ear, somehow so loudly, so loud, and I know what he's about to do. Why do I know?

His thick hand reaches up to my chest and grabs me tight and hard, leaving bruises all over me and all I can think about is the baby, will the baby know?

I start to hear David's voice rising in my ear.

"Oh, Madison," he almost moans and I think I'm going to throw up. I am going to throw up.

"Madison," I hear again and this time I can't take it. My eyes burst open and I realize that thankfully all of this was nothing but a memory that I can only hope won't haunt me again. everything was a memory except the need to get sick. I can't see what's around me but when I see Miles's hands handing me a white bag I grab it and let myself get sick even though I feel just how embarrassed I am doing this around him. 

"Madison are you okay? You started talking--I--" I hear Miles's voice as I try to calm down the sickness inside me.

"Mhm." is the only thing I manage, being car sick has never been something I've had to get used to, but for the next nine months, this will be my new reality, and somehow the more days that pass by, the worse I start to feel.

"Is the--baby--okay?" Miles urns his fingers through his hair, I know he has no idea how any of this works, I don't either but knowing that he cares so much when that was the last thing I expected feels like warmth over my body.

"Yeah, it's okay," I tell him with a smile as he flashes me one back before turning into a gas station. somehow everything seems to make bad feelings flow to me and I don't know If I'll be able to get rid of it, but everything just seems either heightened or more vivid, even my dreams which I wish weren't about David or all the bad things I've been put through.

"Grab a snack, babe, I'll be quick," Miles tells me and I nod before slowly making my way outside of the car, the fresh air hits my nose and I feel like I can breathe, the feeling of sickness has escaped me, and I grab the bag to throw it into the trash before it can follow me again. I embarrassingly leave the car door and windows open, hoping I didn't leave behind the smell of sickness before I head awkwardly inside.

I slip into the bathroom, noticing that I don't need the spare pads that Miles gave me a month ago since everything has changed since then. It has somehow become automatic, to have one in my pocket, ready the small circle in the month where it's supposed to start and where I'm thankful to be able to escape the pain with minimal cramps, unlike Stephanie.

I'm surprised when I notice Miles's credit card in my hand that I place by the sink as I wash my hands with the only water available; ice cold. The soap is white and sticky, something I can't wash off and I notice a smudge of something on my forearms that I quickly wipe away.

I feel disgusting and I can only hope Miles doesn't see me that way, the last thing I remember was falling asleep in our large bed in what used to be only Miels's bedroom to now being in the bathroom of a gas station, but with Miles, everything just feels safe somehow. I look through my pockets, hoping to find some perfume but I don't. and after washing off my forearms and everything that feels dirty, I quickly escape the bathroom.

I run down the small isles, looking for perfume and to my luck, I find a long stick with a small ball roll on the tip. 

Oh god, Jace's wedding, of course, that's where we're going. I somehow hadnðt thought about any of this, I was so caught up in everything else. 

After hurryingly paying for a perfume stick and a deodorant, mascara, and a rose-colored lipstick with Miles's card, I turn wide-eyed to him.

"I got your dress, don't worry," he says, and all of a sudden I feel as though all of this will be so much easier than I thought it would.

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