Chapter 240

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The shower is hot on my skin but it's enjoyable and a place I want to stay in for a long time but I'm not sure how much longer I can. 

I slowly peek out of the shower and press on my phone to see the time, I only have fifteen more minutes to get ready until Stephanie and Elijah will have to wait for me which is the last thing I want. I quickly grab a small white towel that's hung beside me and flick my hair away from my face, I attempt to dry it with an even smaller towel and then wrap the towel into my hair, in hopes of it drying right before I'll have to get dressed. 

I slowly walk out of the showers and throw all of my clothes into the dirty laundry brag brought with which only reminds me that I haven't done laundry in a while. My feet are slightly wet but I slip them into my shoes anyway before walking down the hall, thankfully it's empty and I take my chance to rush into my dorm room but there's someone standing there.

"Elijah," I speak, my smile taking ver my lips. He looks down at the towel I'm wearing.

"I, um, I'm so sorry, I—" He stops me.

"I don't mind." He lets me know with a small shake of his head and raised brows above his sweet eyes. Ii qucikly scramble to open up the door but he doesn't walk inside.

"You probably want to get dressed first, right?" He smiles and I nod.

"Right," I say awkwardly before heading inside the dorm room. I take a small breath and try to steady myself after the awkwardness I just portrayed to Elijah, I had no idea he'd be coming but I shouldn't have been this rude and not being clothed at all. The thought of how Miles would react puts a smile on my face, there's something about Miles being so protective that I will never get over.

I quickly slip into my leggings and a long sleeve t-shirt on top before opening the door again, my hair wet and hanging down my arms.

"This is probably better," I tell him and he nods.

"For Stephanie's sake." He says and I blush for some reason. Something about Elijah is so charming, the way he loves Stephanie and the way he reminds me so much of Jace. Elijah walks inside and closes the door behind him.

"So, you excited for tonight?" he asks and I nod.

"We're going to a bar downtown so don't dress too fancy." His smile makes me smile. I grab a mascara tube and apply a thin layer of black on my lashes before adding in some earrings and apply very light makeup. After a moment of silence, I decide to ask where Stephanie is but her face and blonde waves walk into the dorm room along with Cody.

"Hey." He says and I smile.

"Hi," I say even though I find it slightly cringy with the words that are so unfitting for us.

"You look beautiful." He says, his grey eyes looking into mine as he smiles, I nod and watch him brush his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. My nerves are tied up at the bottom of my stomach and I can't help from feeling anxious.

"Thank you." I manage, I'm tempted to ask him where Jace is but I decided not to, Jace was rude and he was right, he isn't the only person who has changed and because of that, I don't know who he is anymore, and I don't know if I want to know this new side of him.

I draw in a deep breath before giving my reflection one last glance and standing up to approach Cody. His face is drawn to me and he looks at nobody but me.

Stephanie gives me a small wink before we all head out the door. She and Elijah are talking about something I can't focus on with some giggles and handholds in between but Cody and I stay silent for the most part.

"We'll take my car, here." He says as soon as I hear gravel crunching beneath my feet, I didn't even realize that we were already in the parking lot. 

I realize that I was walking in the direction of Stephanie and Elijah. Cody takes my hand and an unexpected heat floods over my cheeks. He pulls me gently toward the right direction and when I follow, he lets go of my hand. He doesn't open the door for me like Miles usually does but t doesn't bother me, I'm not looking for another Miles. I suck in a small deep breath before I sit down.

"So have you ever been somewhere downtown? I mean . . I know you have, what I mean . . is, uh—" he stops.

"I'm sorry . . . I just, I'm glad that I, uh . . . honestly, I'm just so glad I get to take you out tonight and that getss to be the one." He says sweetly and I can't help but smile.

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