That's me lying through my fucking teeth. If only you knew how fucked up you made me feel the whole time.


She sounds disappointed.


I smile, but quickly conceal it. "Yea."

What is she thinking right now?

"So what are you up to now?" she asks suddenly, and I know she's trying to change the subject.

Tsk tsk.

I smirk and sip some more of the liquor. "Nothing much. Why?"

I want to know where her head space is right now.

She responds immediately saying, "Nothing. Just checking."

So you're checking up on me now?

The thought brings a small smile to my face, but I won't allow myself to get carried away. Without even trying, she's causing my dick to stir, despite myself...just by talking.

It almost makes me forget how mad I am at her. I want to stay mad at her for a while longer, although my resolve is waning with each passing minute.

If this a nuh obeah, mi nuh know a wah to rassclaat!

I shrug although she can't see me. "Zeen."

Maybe if I act uninterested she'll stop affecting me so much...


"Are you OK? Did you eat?" I remember she said she was hungry earlier, but I don't know if she'd eaten.

She most likely had, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.

"Yea. But I'm feeling a little peckish now. Sounds like you're at a party..."

"Sum'n like that. Just hanging out with a friend. It's too late now to eat, but if you're hungry go eat."

I don't want her starving herself if she doesn't have to.

My eyes fleet over to where Ashley is sitting and she quickly averts her gaze. She picks up her phone and stares at it, but I know she's listening to me. Keenly.

For some reason, I don't want to hurt her feelings.

I make several attempts to get up and go somewhere private, where I can talk to her in peace, but then I'd be leaving a drunken Ashley here all by herself.

Since we'd gotten here, it's been me and her, while DJ was off somewhere with her friend.

I don't even put it past him to be fucking her in a car, or a bathroom stall somewhere right now.

Better hope him fucking hood nuh drop off.

She laughs. "I will."

"Good girl."

Ashley looks at me again, but quickly averts her eyes.

I frown.

"Hey, can I call you back in the morning? I have to take care of something," I say, no longer wanting to talk here, for fear of speaking on anything too intimate.

Say no.

"Is everything alright?" she replies, her voice a bit gravelly. She's either still sleepy, or had just woken up for real.

I want her to go back to bed, but I also want her to stay a while longer.

Jah Jah

"Yea... "

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