Their thoughts made Eve feel guilty; they shouldn't be experiencing this. A deep-seeded fear of this happening in some way, shape, or form was the reason for her plans after college of disappearing, so they weren't affected. But it was too late for that, and as much as she didn't know everything that was going on, it was happening because of her. However, the worse point of emotion did not come, as Amari's was different. He didn't blame her, fear her, or have anger within him. Turning to him, their eyes lock onto each other, and there within his is the will of love itself. It almost overwhelms her. He was just happy to have not met the end truly and be able to wake up in bed next to her. There was hope behind his love as well, hope he could get the chance to ask her something, but he was afraid of asking it now.

She didn't care what that was now; the way she felt, his comforting essence, was what she needed just even to try to put together her thoughts.

" what happened after I went out again?" She asks, having gathered enough strength from him to try and figure things out.

"The bond of family...don't let it break." Her father's voice says, prompting her to look around for him, but she sees nothing.

"You really going to make us think about that shit again? God, I thought I was selfish, but it was you this whole time. Why didn't you tell us your family was in some fucked up shit? That knowing you was going to put us in harm's way? Those people have seen us now. I don't even know if they think we are dead or alive. Or even if I know." Alison shouts in gathered pain, confusion, and anger again.

"No, there is no need to repeat. I get it. I...well...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide the things I know about my family to hurt you; I—I did it to protect you from this. My father, well, you all know how I was raised. When this was over, I intended to return to that paranoid-ass insane hermit lifestyle; he said I could have fun and relax in college. And I was hesitant. Then I ran into Lance that night...and from there, I've just felt comfortable and able to be normal for once. Each of you came into my life one way or another and added to that in your own ways. I would never do anything to harm you guys, not after the gift you all have given me. A bit of normalcy in a world I've never really fit into." Eve declares, doing her best to keep calm as guilt eats her up inside.

As much as Alison wanted to be mad, she knew Eve was not the type to lie, and her actions were in-the-moment responses; she had given up being irrational and selfish and Eve welcomed her in. She had every right to put her in her place back then and even had every right now when she lunged at her. But she didn't, and Eve's confusion was just as apparent as everyone else's.

"It's okay. I'm uhhh, well, I am sorry that I acted like that." She confesses as Lance helps her up off the floor, wiping away at her still watery eyes.

The group heads to the living room and sits down to an awkward silence, everyone still trying to wrap their head around things to come up with some sort of explanation. Then it hits Eve, all three of them don't have the whole story, and there was no time like the present to get it all out there. She sits up, and Hana appears from within the kitchen just as she does. His little nails click them all into a moment of fear before he turns the corner, rushing towards Eve. His size has doubled since the previous night, giving him the height and strength in his legs needed to make it up onto the couch and directly in her lap!

"Hey, buddy! I know last night was rough, huh? But we still have our contract in place, right?" She says, giving him rubs and pets.

"I smell a little something from the kitchen, and it doesn't smell as wonderful as my cooking does." Lance comments.

"Welp, not it. But he better not have eaten any of it cause it means he is going to throw it up, and that's a violation of the contract." Eve replies, lifting Hana up and checking his mouth for any signs of poop eating.

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