
"Are you in the process of attacking an AU, Nightmare?"

"No." Nightmare responded, blankly.

"What about your gang?"


"How about Error?"


"What are you doing?"

"I am still, unexplicably, taking a walk."

"Do you have hobbies?"

"Why are you interested in that?"

"Because!" Ink flopped back down to the ground, whining. "I'm bored!"

"Don't you have a universe to create, or something?"

"No!" Ink stood again, holding the dark king's shoulders. "I'm too bored! My mind won't work!"

"Aren't you supposed to be the embodiment of creativity?"

"That's the problem!" Ink yelled desperately. "I can't think of anything! I can't make anything!"

"..Does this have a cause which I may be able to manipulate for my own personal gain?"

"Hmm.." Ink contemplated the words more than he really should have. "Do you think being manipulated would make me creative again?"

"..It might."

"Ooh! Try it, try it!" Ink jumped giddily, clapping his hands.

"Ah, before we begin, you need to sign this." Nightmare held out a piece of paper, providing a pen.

"Okay!" Ink signed it. "What is it?"

"Just a form stating that you are legally allowing me to manipulate you for my own personal gain, and that I am not liable for anything relating to this."

"..How long have you had that?"

"Since before I met you; I carry a few around, just in case."


"Indeed. Now, come along; I can only do this inside my castle."

Nightmare opened a portal, and Ink hopped through without thinking one bit about his personal safety. They came out in Nightmare's bedroom, where Ink was plopped in a chair.

"When do we start?" Ink questioned. 

"After I inform the others about your situation; this is the only room I can trust them to not invade forcefully before I tell them." Nightmare answered.


Nightmare left his room, and he went to the living room, where his gang were sitting on the multiple couches. He addressed them promptly.

"Boys, I have an announcement to make." He started.

"It's National Killing Day?" Killer was interested.


"Aw.." Killer was no longer interested.

"The artist has signed my contract."

"What?!" Nightmare's gang members were shocked.

"He's in the middle of a case of artist's block, and he sincerely thinks that my manipulating him will make him creative again. I want all of you on your best behavior, all right?"

"Yes, Boss!" The members saluted.

"Good. I shall bring him out here, and-" Nightmsre was cut off.

"Whatcha up to?" Ink appeared behind Nightmare.

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