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I watched as the tow truck drove off with Stiles's jeep, the two of us climbing in the Bentley. I started driving us away. "Can they fix it?" I asked after a minute.

"There's not enough duct tape in the world to fix that thing." He said.

"Maybe you should try something other than duct tape." I tried, knowing how much the jeep meant to him.

He shook his head slightly. "It's got a bad alternator, you know, needs all new belts, transmission's going... The brake pads are basically metal on metal."

"Am I taking you home?" I asked.

"No. Sheriffs station." He said. "I've got to talk to my Dad."  I drove him to the station, parking in front of it. I looked at him as he just stared. I could tell he was nervous and had a lot on his mind.

"You want me to go in with you?" I offered.

"No, it's okay. It's probably going to take a while." He sighed as he stared at it for a few more seconds. I couldn't tell wether or not to hold my tongue about what I knew but just as he was going to get out, it came out in a split second decision. "Are you going to tell him about Donovan?" He closed the door again, looking at me.

"You knew?"

"I guessed." I bit my lip. "I saw the bite on your shoulder while you were sleeping. After that I just kinda put the pieces together." He didn't say anything. Just looked away, putting a hand to his shoulder.

"It didn't matter to me. That's why I never said anything." I said, looking at him.

"It matters to me." He responded before climbing out of the car and walking up to the station. I stared, an empty feeling washing over me. I mindlessly started the car and drove away. I ended up at the Beacon Hills preserve when it all hit me.

That felt like a break up. That was a break up. The sky was suddenly covered up by dark storm clouds as a powerful wind blew. But it wasn't me. And it also wasn't normal. I went to run back to the car and try and find out what the hell was happening. But I was stopped when I ran into an invisible force. I slowly brought my hand up and touched the same magical barrier.

I looked down to see I was trapped in a circle of branches, intertwined with each other. "You walked right into that." A voice laughed.

I slowly turned, recognizing who it belonged to and saw the manipulative little bitch herself. She wiggled her fingers in a mocking wave. "Eden." I muttered angrily, clenching my fists.

"That's right." She smiled. "You didn't think I was just gonna leave without some payback, did you?"

"How did you know I would be here?" I asked her.

"Well, I knew that once you told Stiles or he told you, however it went, about that Donovan kid, one of you would break up with the other. I guess the little wolf inside you wanted to be closer to its natural habitat." She snickered.

"This boundary spell, it should last until the next full moon since this so called super moon is already up. Means you'll be trapped here for a while. Which also means I get to have some fun." She smiled evilly.

"First, I'll torture you with whatever spells I feel like. Then, I'll torture your friends. And finally, I'll kill you. And from there I'll decide wether to let you become the Tribrid, or die." I glared at her. "You ready?"

"Come at me, Bitch." I growled. Probably wasn't the wisest decision but maybe the full moon is sort've clouding my judgement.



"Ossox." She closed her fist, the bones in my leg snapping in sync. I panted as my leg healed, standing up. This has been going on for a while now. She has been doing everything she can to torture me but I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of a scream or tears.

She yelled in frustration. "Invidia!" She shouted. Blood dripped from my nose but it didn't really bother me. "Tenebris lapsus" the bone in my right arm protruded and nudged outwards. I groaned in pain before it healed.

"Lecutio maxima!" She yelled, throwing a hand forwards. My eyes widened and I ducked, avoiding the sparks of electricity that flew overtop of me before the spell ended.

"Screw it." She snapped. "I've had a little time to think." She continued. "I'm going to kill you, and I'm going to turn you into the Tribrid. And once that's done, you'll become the next unhinged Mikaelson. You'll shut off your emotions because you can't handle the pain and then you will go after everyone you love. Your family, Scott, Lydia, Liam, Stiles, and Kira. You'll kill them and everyone they love. And I can't wait to see you do that, even if I'm not alive when I do."

"You can't kill me." I said. "I've felt your magic. Your not strong enough."

"See, that's the thing. When your vengeful, you start to look for a way to gain more power. I found one. It's beautiful." She smirked. "Sacrificial magic. Works like a charm and I don't even have to get rid of the effects anymore. All I have to do is channel it into more dark spells."

My face fell as she looked at me. "So long, Hope Mikaelson. I'll see you on the other side."

She held her hand up and opened her mouth.

"Ossox." Suddenly, Eden's legs snapped, the girl crumpling to the ground as she let out a scream of pain. I turned, relief washing over me as I saw the familiar blonde. Reunion day for me I guess.

Lizzie looked at me. "She talks too much."


"So these people who call themselves Dread Doctors are basically trying to create their perfect supernatural?"

"Exactly." I confirmed. "So, are you going to help or not?"

"I'm in." She sighed. "So what spells are we gonna use to take down these.. bad guys?"

"We'll figure it out in the moment."

"Since when do you not have a plan Ms Know It All?" She sassed in annoyance. "Especially when we're going up against bad people or supernaturals or whatever?"

"Since that stupid moon is making it so I can't think clearly." I growled.

"Do you even know where we're going?"

"We're going where my instincts take us."

"Great. Great plan." She rolled her eyes. I looked at her. "You got a better idea?" I snapped.

"Yes, actually." She returned the look. "We do a good old fashioned locator spell."

"Locator spells involve personal items and it would take too long. If you haven't noticed, we're kinda on a time-sensitive thing."

I stopped suddenly in my tracks, Lizzie doing the same, when a loud, powerful roar came from the Library. Luckily we were already pretty close to there. "Let's go." I started running, fast enough for Lizzie to keep up.

"What the hell was that?" She asked, panting as she ran.

"A roar. Scott's roar." I answered, running up to the Library. I looked inside to see Melissa, Mason, and Scott. I stopped. A feeling came over me, one that didn't really let me actually go in. It wasn't magic or anything, although looking down there was mountain ash on the ground.

I slowly stepped away, turning to the blonde behind me. "Let's go." She confusedly followed me away. All I needed to know was that they were okay. They had to be. All of them.

Teen Wolf (LegaciesxTeenwolf)Where stories live. Discover now