T H I R T Y - N I N E

298 14 1

I groaned as I fluttered my eyes open to a dark hallway. One that I'm guessing was underground. "Hope? Hope!" Lydia whisper yelled. She was scared but also slightly relieved. "Are you okay?" She asked.

I observed my surrounding. "Stiles took us and trapped us god only knows where and it smells awful down here. Do you think I'm okay?" I pulled myself up.

"Sorry." She mumbled before whipping her head in another direction, eyes wide and glazed with fear. "They won't stop screaming."

"Who? Who, Lydia?" I pressed urgently.

"I don't know. Tons of them." She replied, frustrated with herself and scared out of her mind.

"Can you hear them?" We whipped our heads around to see Stiles walking down towards us. "It's louder than usual, isn't it? Well, that's because a lot of bad things happened down here. What are the voices telling you?" Stiles asked as I gestured for Lydia to run. She grabbed my hand and tugged me along with her, using the pipes on the wall to keep us up. "Are they saying that Stiles is dying? He is, you know. He's dying."

"Then what do you need me for? You think I can tell you something?" Lydia shouted as a turn in the passageway came and we ran, only to see bars blocking the exit. We couldn't leave. Stiles's evil laughter echoed throughout the passages.

"Oh, I know you can."

"I'm not telling you anything!" Lydia shouted.

"You won't have to." We whipped around to see him right there. "You'll be screaming."

Lydia let out a shaky breath as I pushed her behind me. "And what are you gonna do, Hope?" He asked amusedly. "How are you gonna protect her?"

"She's got badass magical powers." Lydia snapped with a sudden newfound confidence. "She can do anything!"

"Not with that little bracelet on her wrist." Stiles glanced down at the white gold around my wrist.

"What... what do you mean?" Lydia asked, confused.

"That little thing around her wrist," he looked at Lydia. "It's prevents her from using magic. It took me a while to figure out what it does but it became so clear once I realized every time she used magic, she had to take off the bracelet."

"So I'll take it off again and kick your evil ass." I snapped at him.

"Go ahead. What's stopping you?" Was his reply but the smirk told me something was stopping me. I looked down at the bracelet before trying to rip it of, letting out a scream of pain as I did. I looked at my hand as it burned, healing slightly slower.

He grabbed my wrist and yanked it up for Lydia and I to see. "So much power in such a little thing. Dark Power." He said.

"Let's go." Lydia grabbed my wrist away from him as I kicked him back. We ran off down another passageway, slowly. Something was wrong but I couldn't say anything, not when Lydia was already so worried. We ran down some stairs only to find another barred entrance.

"They'll find us. They're gonna find us." She said as she panted slightly.

"You think so?" We turned to see him as he casually sat on the steps. "I myself was kind of wondering what they're doing right now. What useless lead they're chasing. I wonder if maybe some of them have bigger problems to deal with right now. Are they really spending every minute looking for you two? Or.. are they waiting for nightfall? Focused on some hopeless gesture to pass the time."

"What do you want?" Lydia whispered.

"More." He replied, standing.

"More what?" I asked.

"The Trickster stories are all about food. The coyote, the raven, the fox. They're all hungry." He started slowly stepping down the stairs towards us. "I'm the same. I just crave something a little different. I eat what you feel." He came up in between us, his breath tickling my skin as he spoke in my ear. "And I'm insatiable."

"And what's the point in me being here." I whipped around, effectively making him stand back from me and a whimpering with fear Lydia.

He chuckled. "What have I told you before? In those little dreams you've had that you never told anyone about?"

I clenched my hands into fists. "All in due time." I repeated through gritted teeth.

"That's right." He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "All in due time, Love."

Lydia breathed shakily before turing around to face him as well. "your nervous," she whispered, "aren't you? You know they're coming. You know they're going to kill you."

Stiles walked closer to us. "That's exactly why I'm keeping you two so close." He smirked before his face fell. He grabbed each of us and I felt too weak to fight back. He dragged us along the passageways before stopping at a dead end room and closing the barred door behind us.

"They're here." Lydia said. "And I don't need to scream to know that they're going to kill you."

"Good." Was the reply. "Because that's exactly why I brought you. I needed to know when they'd be close enough." He pulled out one of the Oni knives. "When my own death was closing in." Black smoke appeared all around us and six Oni formed, screeching as they drew their swords. Lydia grabbed my hand and ran me behind them. "Cause only when they're close, can I do this.." He snapped the knife, the Oni immediately bringing their swords down.

"What happened?" Lydia asked. "What's did you just do?"

"He owns them now." I breathed heavily.

"Hope? Hope, what's wrong?" Lydia asked, looking at me concerned.

"I don't know."

"But I do." He replied, smirking as he walked out. "Goodbye, ladies." The Oni followed him out. "Cmon." Lydia pulled me up as I started stumbling. I used the wall for support as footsteps echoed down the hallways, getting louder as they came closer. Lydia ran over to the gate to meet Stiles, the real one, and Scott. "Lydia? Are you alright?" Scott asked.

"No. No, no, no, no, no. Why are you here?" She asked, eyes wide as Scott opened the gate.

"We're here for you." Stiles replied confusedly. "Where's Hope."

"You weren't supposed to be here." She rushed out. "You didn't get my message?"

"Lydia, what's happening?" Scott questioned.

"Who else is here? Who came with you? Who else is here?" She asked urgently as I made my way over, pretending as if everything was fine.

"Isaac, Allison, Kira, her Mom, all of them." Scott replied.

"No, no. We've gotta go. We've gotta go, now." She ran out of the cell, running after Scott. "One of them is going to die." We all ran after them, through the passages, all my energy quickly disappearing.

"Lydia..." Stiles started stumbling. "Lydia, Hope, I can't..." he started to fall, Lydia catching him, setting him down as I stopped. "I can't.." Scott kept running as she knelt down beside him.

"Hope, help me." Lydia's voice echoed faintly in my head. "Hope!" I suddenly couldn't support myself as I crumpled to the ground. Lydia suddenly screamed in sadness and pain and hurt before sobbing, which only meant one thing. Someone died...

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