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We stood in line, waiting to take the PSATs. "Where's Lydia?" Kira questioned.

"She took it her Freshman year." Stiles replied.

"Does that mean I could've taken this some other time?" Malia asked in disbelief.

"Malia, you studied harder for this than any of us." Scott said, trying to reason with her.

"Doesn't mean I'm gonna do good."

"Well..." Stiles corrected.

"Well, what?" Malia questioned.

"Its do well, not good." He clarified.

"Oh, God!" She stressed.

"Okay, okay." Stiles muttered, immediately regretting his decision to speak. "You doing this." Scott said to her. "Because while we're trying not to die, we still need to live. I mean, If I survive High School, I'd like to go to college. A good college."

"Aspiring words, Scotty." I clicked my tongue. "I should've taken it Freshman year, but I got suspended."

Stiles furrowed his brows. "For what?"

"It's only three hours." Kira said, trying to calm the worries. "We can survive three hours."


I pressed my thumb against the ink pad and against my test paper. I took it and a Pencil before walking up to Lydia's mom, handing her my cell phone. "Thank you, Hope." I nodded, moving to sit down at my desk.

"Please do not open the test booklet until you are instructed to do so." Simon, the teacher, said. "This test is two hours and ten minutes. There will b two 25-minute critical reading sections, two 25-minute math sections and an essay writing portion that will last 30 minutes. There are supposed to be two teachers monitoring this exam." He said the last part to Ms Martin.

"I know. It's Coach. He's not exactly punctual." She reasoned. "Um, let me just try him again."

"Oh, Hope." I looked back at Stiles as he dug through his pocket. He pulled out my bracelet and held it out to me. I looked from it to him, eyebrows raised. "It's a giant test. Tests are frustrating." He tried to reason with me. I continued to stare at him, just until he got the message. "Never mind then." He shoved the white-gold bracelet back into his pocket.

Ms Martin walked back into the room. "I can't find him, but Mr Yukimura is upstairs grading papers. Do you want me to try him?"

"We have to start." The teacher said. "We can ask for his assistance during the first break." He pressed a button on his watch. "You may now open your test booklets and begin." I opened the booklet and began filling in the bubbles I thought were correct. We got distracted though when a girl fell off her chair and onto the floor.

"Sydney!" Ms Martin walked over to her and helped her stand. "Sydney, are you alright?"

"I'm okay. I just got kind of dizzy." She said.

"Sydney," Ms Martin asked as she looked down at her wrist. "How long have you had this?"

"I don't know." The girl, Sydney, looked at whatever was on her wrist with wide eyes.

"Ms Martin, do I need to stop the test?" The teacher asked. "No, um, it's fine." She replied as Sydney sat back down. She walked back up to the front of the room, a nervousness radiating off her. "Everybody stay in your seats. I'll, um, be back in a minute." She grabbed her phone and looked at the teacher. "Nobody leaves the room." She walked out.

"Get back! No! Do not come in here! Get back outside!" We heard. Everyone immediately stood and walked out the door to see what the hell was going on. Ms Martin had just locked the front doors as we all looked at her. "Back to your seats. Now." She said to us. We all shared looks. "Please." We slowly walked back inside, confused.

Scott shit the door behind us. "I need the number of the CDC" I heard Ms Martin say into the article phone. "Yes, the Center for Disease Control."

Well... this isn't good.


We watched as tons of people clad in bright yellow hazmat suits walked in and into the classroom, setting up all their equipment.

"Bet they think it's small pox." Stiles said to Kira, Malia and I as we sat on desks.

"Not likely." The teacher interjected. "Smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1979. We've only managed to eradicate two viruses in history. The other was rinderpest. It killed cows."

"So we should be comforted by that, right?" Stiles asked.

"Unless it's something worse."

"Whatever it is, they're taking it pretty seriously." Malia muttered, using her hearing. "There's a lot of cars and trucks out there. Your Dads with them."

"Hey, I should probably call him." He moved over to the box with all our phones in them.

"Don't bother." The teacher stopped him. "They would've shut off any access to all outside communication by now. No cell service, no WiFi. No one starting a panic. Looks like we're all just going to have to wait here and see what happens." He turned the page on his book. There's something strange about this guy.


"Kira?" Malia asked as we stood in a line. "Do you ever get the feeling that Scott and Stiles aren't telling you everything?"

"What do you mean?" Kira asked.

"Like, they hide stuff."

"I... think if they did, they'd probably have a pretty good reason." I furrowed my brows. "Do you know what they're hiding in the bag under Scott's bed?" Malia asked. "Either of you?" She looked between us.

"What? No, I've never been under Scotts bed. Or in it. Just on it.... Wearing clothes." I raised my brows.

"Kira Yukimura." She turned around to the woman in the hazmat suit who was taking everyone's blood. My plan was to just let her take my blood and then magically destroy it after. "You feeling all right, Kira?" She asked. Kira nodded. "I don't like needles either. I promise, it'll be fast." She went to take Kira's blood but jumped back at the crackling sound of electricity.

"Kira." Malia said as the girl stared wide eyed at the burnt hole in the hazmat suit. "Kira." Malia and I dragged her away


"It's still happening." Mr Yukimura said, referring to Scotts eyes which kept blinking between red and their normal shade of brown.

A sweat caked Malia held up her hands, claws protracted. "I can't make them go back."

"Obviously the virus is affecting the two of you in a way it won't hit any human being." Mr Yukimura stated.

"You guys have to stay out of sight. We have to quarantine you from the quarantine." Stiles said.

"Yeah, but where?" Kira asked. "I mean, what if they get violent? Like on a full moon."

"We shouldn't stay in here. Not in the locker room." Scott said.

"A classroom is not going to hold us." Malia spoke up.

"What about the basement?"

"Too many ways out." I said. "They need something secure. Somewhere nobody can find them."

"The Vault." Stiles said. We all looked at him. "The Hale Vault."

"The Hale's always have an escape route. Like their house." Scott nodded. "There has to be another way in."

Teen Wolf (LegaciesxTeenwolf)Where stories live. Discover now