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I flopped down on my bed. Freya, Keelin, Nik, and I had moved in a few weeks prior. With a sigh, I grab my bag and make my way downstairs to see my younger and only cousin, Nik, eating pancakes at the table.

Nik lit up at the sight of me, smiling with pancake pieces stuck in his teeth. "Hope! Mom made pancakes this morning!" He exclaimed as he pointed enthusiastically at the plate of food. As he grew up, Nik had programmed himself to call Freya, 'Mom', and Keelin, 'Mommy'. Occasionally he would call them 'Mamma K' or 'Mamma Keelin' and 'Momma Freya' or 'Momma Frey'. It was kinda cute and always put a smile on his Mother's faces.

I smiled and made my way over to the table to sit down. "I see. It looks delicious." I said as I sat down, dishing myself a couple pancakes.

"Are you ready for School?" I asked him.

Nik smiled even wider if it was possible and nodded his head excitedly. "Yeah!"

"I bet it'll be really fun."

He smiled but his smile dropped and he looked at me with wide eyes. "Hope! Hope! I got syrup on Denny!" He exclaimed, panicking as he showed me his stuffed wolf.

I chuckled and looked around. "Shhh" I put a finger to my lips and Nik instantly smiled and nodded his head. I snapped my fingers and the syrup disappeared as if it weren't there to begin with.

"Thanks, Hope!" He hugged the stuffed animal and I chuckled. "Maybe you should finish your food without Denny for now, just so he doesn't get covered in syrup again." I held my hand out and Nik reluctantly handed me the Wolf. "Denny will just be on the counter." I assured him as I moved to place him in said spot.

Nik smiled when I sat back down and started rambling about something else about School or his new TV show or anything really. I just listened while continuing to eat my food.


I climbed out of the car after saying a quick 'goodbye' to Freya before she drove off. When I first arrived at School, people tried flirting with me or being nice or just hanging around but with the trust issues and lack of social skills, they left me alone after a while.

I walked up to my locker and spun in the combination, shrugging off my backpack and shoving my books inside. Slamming it shut, I turned bumped right into Erica Reyes, who dropped several of her books and notepads.

"Oh- sorry." I mumbled out and kneeled down to help the blonde gather her stuff.

"It's- it's fine, really. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking." She spoke quietly back.

I handed her a stack of books that she dropped and Erica just muttered a quick 'thank you' before scurrying off to her next class.

I frowned, a part of me wishing that Erica had stayed and talked, but I knew she shouldn't anyway. Everyone I let into my life disappoints me. Either that or they die. Letting someone in would just be selfish.

I shook my head slightly and started walking to my own class. I slid into my desk at the far back of the  classroom, pulling it my notebook and pencil as the rest of the class slowly filed in.

Coach Finstock, who teaches Economics, started going on about how disappointed he was with the test grades last week, mainly looking over at a group of girls who were snickering quietly with one another. I rolled my eyes, fighting g the urge to just give one of them an aneurysm or at least a bloody nose.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, bored already. My test soon dropped onto my desk with a large A+ at the top. This basic School stuff is easy for me so I wasn't really surprised. My day consisted of going to School to learn nothing, going home to have magic lessons with Freya, play with Nik, or just read or do something else that seems entirely unusual for a teenager.

Groans echoed around the room as everyone received their tests. Some sighed in relief while others in disappointment. After another long lecture about good grades and pore life choices from Coach, the bell rang and everyone started to walk out. Thank God.


Our house was more in the woods than most around Beacon Hills. We only did this because of how we're an entire family of supernaturals. Freya, a badass witch with tons of power. Keelin, a werewolf who doesn't take shit from anyone, not even her wife. Nik, a warlock who hasn't unlocked his capabilities yet. And me, a Tribrid who, if I have one small freak out, could burn down the entire woods. Yeah, our family's kinda crazy, not to mention the rest of it.

First chapter: complete! Yay! I'm so excited for this book. The beginning might be a bit boring but it will definitely get better.

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