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I had convinced Freya to let me walk to the High School this morning, much to her reluctance. I don't know why but I did. My hands were clenching the straps on my backpack so tight my knuckles turned white. My hands shook while I worked to get my locker combination in. I exhaled sharply, trying to calm myself down. I can not have a freak out now.


I whipped around to see only Erica standing there awkwardly, gripping her books tightly to her chest.

"Uh- hey, Erica." I greeted.

"You know my name?" She asked, seeming surprised.

"Yeah, uh, we have a few classes together."

"Right. Yeah.. sorry. I don't usually pay attention to the people around me, mainly cause they don't care what happens to me. Anyway, I, Uh, I wanted to thank you for helping me pick up my books, Uh, yesterday and, uh, yeah..." she trailed off awkwardly.

"You didn't need to. It was kinda my fault anyway." I shut my locker door. Erica opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the bell.

"Shoot! I gotta get to class! It's on the opposite side of School. I'll.. see you later..." she trailed off.

I sent her a small smile. "Sure thing, Erica."

As I walked down the hallway, I noticed Scott McCall walking by himself which was strange considering he's always walking with either Allison or Stiles, two other people who probably don't even know I exist. Maybe.

I made my way into Coach's class and sat down at my desk in the back once again and worked on making sure my breathing stayed steady and calm. I don't know what exactly got into me today but it definitely wouldn't have ended good if Erica hadn't distracted me.


I sat down at a table, opposite of Boyd. We sat all alone and did t interact much with each other. Everyone was scared of Boyd considering his build and he looked intimidating but he wasn't that bad of a guy from what I could tell.

After about two minutes of comfortable silence, Stiles and Scott sat directly across from Boyd, talking about something I don't care enough about to listen to. Though, Scott's eyes kept landing on me and it was starting to make me uncomfortable. I rolled my eyes and ate a little quicker. Honestly, his glances were staring to make me slightly nervous and before I knew it, I had drawn blood from my palms from digging my nails in them so hard.

I quickly stood up and walked over to empty and put away my tray before walking out the door and into the locker room. It was the boys but nobody would be in there anyway so it didn't really matter to me. I looked in the mirror and blinked and suddenly, a man who definitely wasn't in High School was right behind me. I whipped around to face him, only to be grabbed and lifted up by the throat.

"Your different." He stated, looking at me with ice cold eyes but searching my features as if he would find what was so quote unquote different about me.

"D-don't they say ev-everybody's differ-frent and special in their o-what wa-way?" I managed out as I gasped for air. "God, I really w-wanna kill you right no-w." I gasped out as I tried to claw his hands off of my throat. I find that harder to do when you can't really breathe easily.

Suddenly I heard footsteps and heartbeats getting louder as they approached the locker room and the man, whom I finally recognized as Derek Hale -the guy who was accused of murder-, grip on my throat finally disappeared and I fell to the ground, coughing and gasping for air.

Suddenly, the locker room door opened and In ran Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall. The two froze at the sight of me before running over. "Hey! Are you okay?" Scott asked, helping me up. I shrugged him off.

"Not exactly."


"I already told you two what happened! Twice! Now leave me alone so I can call-"

"-No!" The two screamed in sync, starting me. "You can't call the police." Stiles finished.

"Why not? I just got assaulted by a murderer. I'm not going to not tell the police just because he's your friend." I rolled my eyes.

"He's not our friend." Scott grumbled. "What did Derek say to you."

"He just came in here and grabbed my throat, lifted me in the air, not caring that I couldn't breathe, and told me I'm different. Then just before you guys came in, he ran away."

The two shared a look and I narrowed my eyes. "What?"

"If Derek offers something to you, say 'no'" Scott warned. I raised my brows. "No shit, McCall. You don't take things from a murderer for one and for two, you do realize how wrong that sounded, right?"

"Please just trust us. We're doing this to protect you."

"Protect me? You guys don't even know me." I scoffed.

"And if you want it to stay that way, stay away from Derek."


At night, Freya was out shopping for grocery's and Keelin was working a late shift at the Hospital. Nik was reading a children's book, mumbling under his breath as I looked out the window. It was getting closer to the full moon, which was probably why I've been so jumpy lately. It's doesn't usually happen but obviously I'm not having a great amount of control at the moment.

I didn't tell anyone about the little incident at School much to my better judgement. The begging probably would have been enough for me to not care but I decided to take it an extra step further and get 20 bucks out of it.

Nik yawned for maybe the tenth time and I chuckled lightly, turning to him. "It's time for bed, Nik." I said.

"I'm... not tired." He replied lazily. I raised my brows at him. "Really? Cause you sound it." I replied walking up to him. "C'mon." He groaned as he stood up and followed me upstairs to his room. "Hope?"


"Why don't you ever hang out with other kids from your School?" He questioned as we made our way down the hallway. I sighs quietly. "Because I'd rather hang out with you." He smiled at that as he climbs into his bed and pulled the cover over his body. "But I hang out with friends and I still hang out with you, too. Why don't you do both? I want you to be happy."

"Nik, as long as your happy, I'll stay happy. Are you happy?"


"Then I'm happy." He smiled and reached up to hug me, which I gladly returned. "Now, go to sleep. You have School in the morning. We both do." He nodded and yawned, turned onto his side as I made my way out the door, closing it behind me.


I woke up to a loud crashing sound and sat upright immediately, the lights automatically switching on. With wide eyes, I rushed to scramble out of bed and quietly walked out my bedroom door.

I pulled out my phone and slowly dialed 9-1-1.

"9-1-1, what your emergency?"

"Someone broke into my house, 653, Borelli Street." I whispered.

"Are they armed?"

"I don't know. Probably. There's two of-"

I was cut off by a scream and it definitely belonged to a little boy, specifically Nik.

"NIK!" I screamed, running down the stairs to see a man dragging Nik out of Freya and Keelins room.

"Shit, There's another!" I ran over and landed a hard punch to the mans face, a sickening crack echoing through the once silent house as I broke, presumably, his jaw. I whipped around and grabbed the other robber, Judo flipping him. Before I could end the fight though, something smacked the back of my head and everything went black.

The last thing I heard was Nik screaming my name through fearful sobs.

Sorry it took so long. I didn't really know how I was gonna get Hope and the other two to actually stand each other so Nik being kidnapped is all that came to mind. Yeah.... Anyway, stay safe and bye.

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