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We followed Peter instead the haunted looking places. "Okay, stop, stop, stop." Peter stopped as we ran blindly through the place. "We gotta figure out where we are and then we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Kira." Stiles phone rang and I furrowed my brows as he pulled it out.

"How do I have service..." he muttered before answering. "Hi, Dad." He walked a little ways in front of Peter who gave us incredulous looks. "Okay, Dad, I know your angry."

"Oh, I'm beyond angry. I've reached a level of fury that you could not possibly comprehend." Was the reply I heard.

"Okay, well, when I get back, you can ground me."

"Ground you? Ground you? I am going to hobble you!" There was a short pause as Stilinski sighed. Now, please, tell me your alright. Tell me that your safe."

"You want me to lie?" He sent a look at us.

"Oh, god. Okay. Tell me what I can do. How can I help?"


"What do we do now?" Liam asked once Stiles hung up.

"Duck." Malia and I said at the same time, pulling him down as a Berserker swiped a dangerous hand at him.

"Woah! Get down! Go! Go, go, go!" Peter shouted as we all ran down the corridor. "Go, go, go, go!" We ran into another room and Malia tossed us Kira's katana. "Go find Kira and Scott." She said as I caught it. "Go." I nodded and Stiles and I ran off.


"Scott?" Stiles called as we walked down an echoey, dark corridor. "Kira?" We walked into a room and I whipped around as I felt a presence in the room, Stiles following instantly with the flashlights beam of light. It landed on Kira.

"Oh." Stiles sighed in relief. "You okay?"

"It's Scott." She said, stepping up to us. "Guys, it's Scott."

"What?" I asked.

"The Berserker. It's him. Kate did it."

"What are you talking about?" Stiles questioned, getting increasingly worried.

"She made him into one of them. I don't know how, but it's him. And if they don't know it, they could kill him." She explained.

"That's why Lydia's not here." I realized. "Cause she could predict his death. They won't know they're killing Scott."

We ran as fast as we could back to the others seeing Malia about to stab the Berserker in the face. "No, wait, wait! Malia, wait!" Stiles shouted but she didn't listen. Kira ran forwards and used the Katana to hit it out of her hands.

Malia looked at us in disbelief and confusion. "It's Scott." Stiles said. "It's Scott." Liam looked through the eye holes in the skull mask before the Berserker growled and tossed Liam back.

It punched Malia in the face, knocking her down at well before turning back to Liam. It- Scott- started walking towards Liam who crawled back fearfully.

"Scott." Kira tried. "Scott, don't."

"Motus." I muttered. Nothing happened. "I don't think my magic works in here." I said as I looked at my hand. "Scott, it's me." Stiles tried as the Berserker approached him. He hit Stiles across the face, knocking him to the floor. "Scott, don't!" Kira pleaded as he lifted Liam up into the air and slammed him against a pillar.

"Scott." The Berserker raised its fist. "Scott, Scott! Listen, listen, listen!" Isaac pleaded. "Your not a monster! Your a werewolf! Like me." The Berserker slowly lowered its fist and then Liam. It backed away and ripped off all its armor and finally its mask to reveal Scott who let out a roar.

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