129 | Senior Advisor

Start from the beginning

     "Oh no, it's fi—"

     "But I hope you know it doesn't mean that I can't protect myself," Felix then adds, surprising Keigo because his expression suddenly changed into something more menacing.

     "It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kawanishi Keigo," Felix then says, immediately changing back to his cute and innocent persona.

     Keigo doesn't say anything out of shock as he watches Felix run out to follow his friends. When he was finally alone in their classroom, Keigo takes a deep breath before leaning on his chair to calm himself down.

     "Damn, I genuinely thought they were gonna beat me up," Keigo says while touching his chest.

     "Looks like they were right. Other than those three, I really do have to look out for that little one. Something about him is just...terrifying."


"What was that all about? What was the new kid telling you?" Ari asks as he and the rest of his friends were heading to the Great Hall to have their lunch.

     "Nothing, he was just telling me how he was nervous about being in class A," Felix answers.

     "Nervous? Why would he be? We don't bite," Ari says, and Max immediately tells him, "Says the guy who was about to start a fight him earlier."

     "What? Ervin made it look like he was doing something to Felix. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't do anything?" Ari defends.

     "Well, I noticed Felix clenching his fist. I thought something was up," Ervin then explains, making Felix chuckle this time.

     "Sharp as always Ervin."

     "So he did say something that irritated you," Max says, making Ari and Ervin look at him, curious to know his answer.

     Felix laughs and waves them off. "You guys are looking deep into this a little too much. He was just too bright and positive for me, and you all know that I'm not the type to get along with such personalities," he explains, and surprisingly enough, his friends couldn't help but agree.

     "I guess we've just been really cautious lately. I think everyone we meet is just a threat at this point," Ari truthfully says.

     "Nothing's wrong with being careful, but let's avoid acting like bullies," Max tells them, and Ari, Ervin, and even Felix nod their heads in understanding.

     The four peculiar friends arrive at the Great Hall, excited to have their lunch with the rest of their friends. But just before they could enter the hall, someone suddenly started shouting Felix's name down the hallway.

     They turn around and saw a white uniform running towards them. Max even had to squint to see clearer. "Who's that?" He asks.

     "Felix!" The white uniform continues to shout. When he finally got close to him, Max's eyes widens from shock as he says, "Payton?"

     Payton Wolfe, a third-year gaffer and a club leader of Omega Society, runs towards Max and Felix like he had something important to say. When he finally stopped in front of them, he catches his breath for a quick second before saying, "H-He's here..."

     "Who?" Max, Felix, and even Ari and Ervin ask in confusion.

     As Payton continues to pant heavily, he eases himself a little as he tries his best to explain, "O-Our new...senior...advisor. He's here. I mean, not here here, he's at our club room."

     "What?!" Felix shouts in shock.

     "He wants to meet with us so let's hurry. We can't keep him waiting," Payton says before running off again.

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