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Yes I know it's been a while since I've updated this but I have amazing news for you guys! I'm done with one of my extracurriculars and it is the one that takes up the most of my time now I'll be able to focus more on this book and my YouTube channel so possibly expect more quicker updates and thank you so much for 4.01k reads! Also this part is probably going to be a little shorter than normal since I have very low motivation right now so hopefully you guys understand! I love all you guys and thank you for the amazing support!
Rainbow Steve's POV
As I read over the list of injuries I just got more and more worried for my space chicken and by the time I got to the end of the list tears were in my eyes and I couldn't say anything so I just gave M a look and he seemed to understand what I was trying to say.

"Rainbow Steve I know what your thinking right now but I need you to calm down so you can at least talk so I can understand you..." M explained to me.

I try to calm down and think back to what might have caused these injuries but the only conclusion I could come to is before Orange Leader found him for the first time had to be the cause of these injuries.

"The only thing I can think of that could have cause these injuries is what ever happened to him before Orange Leader found him..." I suddenly spoke up startling M a bit.

"At least we got some information about these injuries... Can I get you anything Rainbow Steve..?" M asks me.

"You could get me a solution to defeat Chao Steve..." I joked with him.

"Haha... There is the Rainbow Steve I know trying to make light in the dark when you don't think it would be possible." M remarked back at my joke.

"Mmmm..." we hear come for the couch signaling Sabre was starting to wake up.

We both rush to the couch and before we know it there is lightning outside and I sense the Indigo Leader's energy and two other energies I didn't recognize.

"Why is the Indigo Leader here and who are they with," I answer M's question mark expression with this statement and then it hits me the somewhat similarity in the other two energies to Galaxy Steve's energy. "I'll go see what he wants you stay with Sabre and see if he is okay."

I walk out the door and see a Walking Clock and a pile of Element Trash looking Steves by the Indigo Leader's sides.

"The idiot aka Galaxy Steve did something stupid and spilt himself into two," the Indigo Leader explained. "The walking talking clock is Time Steve and the element pile is Elemental Steve."

"Okay just come in guys let's figure this out inside it looks like it's going to rain soon." I tell them and they all but Elemental Steve agrees.

Just like that we go inside M's house and Sabre is awake and with M helping him stand up and walk over to me. Once they get over here M hands Sabre over to me and Sabre just nuzzles into me.

"Everything hurts Crystal I can't even walking or get up on my own..." my short little space chicken says as he cuddles into me and I motion to everyone to sit down around the fire as I help Sabre get back over there to the couch M and Indigo Leader made sure there was a spot for me and Sabre to sit on the couch and I get ready to explain.
Yes I know it's short but I wanted to get something out for you guys so take the Sabre and Rainbow fluff! I also am running out of ideas and would love to see more comments on this book because it tells me what you guys think of this and don't forget to check out my YT at {•€Mythical Wolfie & Potato€•} please subscribe to it I currently have 29 subscribers! Also thank you guys for the support you guys have been showing me a tiny bit of kindness can go a long way! Signing off with 721 words!

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