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Orange Leader's POV

I ran to Sabre who was have a mental breakdown. I went on my knees to him comfort him as Rainbow Steve did the same.

"Shh... You are safe... You don't need to worry..." I tried to calm him down even if I was a bit mad at Rainbow Steve and Sabre for not telling me they were together.

The Green Leader came to help us a little bit later. He used his powers to try and sooth Sabre which worked a little bit and the next thing I knew Sabre fell asleep.

"Well, I'm stuck here now.." Rainbow Steve spoke with a sleeping Sabre on him.

"I thought you would enjoy having this little chicken sleep on you." I snickered.

"You are going to tease us with this now are you not Orange Leader.." Rainbow Steve sighed.

"That's what you get for not telling me." I tease him.

"Well I'm going to try and put him to bed in the Rainbow Hub without waking him.." Rainbow Steve told us. "He barely gets any sleep as is since we are always fighting something and he has visions at night or something like that like hints to his past..."

"Yeah that is probably best right but Rainbow Steve once he wakes come to the Orange Kingdom with him I want to talk to the two of you." I told him.

"Okay. Bye everybody!

"Bye." we all tell them.

Rainbow Steve's POV

After we teleported back to the Rainbow Hub I successfully not wake Sabre with the lightning. I go to the little house in the Rainbow Hub and put Sabre in his bed.

"Phew. I was worried I was going to wake him with him being a light sleeper since all of the situations we've been in..." I tell myself.

I think I'll make Sabre something for when he wakes up. Yeah, that will be nice! Hopefully the Orange Steves don't make us do chores for them...

I go to the living room to think what I can make Sabre for when he wakes up. With myself originally being a Orange Steve or part of the Orange Crystal (however you want to put it) it gives me at least a creative mindset.

"Hmm... Maybe I can make him a new outfit with his outfit right now being a bit worn down from all the battles we've been in.." I told myself. "If I remember correctly his favorite color is green, Emerald Green to be exact."

Just like that I start working on a new outfit for Sabre. (I use Gacha Club for how the characters look so I might post how Sabre looks with the new outfit on my Art book)

~Time Skip~

I just got done with Sabre's new outfit I made him when I start to hear movement from upstairs. I quickly hide the outfit since I wanted it to be a surprise. After I hide the outfit I go upstairs to find Sabre awake sitting on the edge of the bed by the looks of it being lost in his thoughts with a confused look on his face at least the parts of his face you can see. With him wearing his blindfold (I don't know if I'm going to have a blindfold or his hair covering his eyes) or sometimes his hair over his eyes.

"Umm.. Good afternoon Sabre. Have a nice rest?" I ask him to try and break him out of his thoughts. I receive from him is a startled look. "Sorry Sabre I didn't mean to startle you. I just came up here to check on you."

"Oh it's just you Rainbow Steve." Sabre replies.

"Orange Leader want us to meet up with him at the Orange Kingdom after you woke up. Before we go there I made a little surprise for you while you were asleep it is downstairs!" I told him.

"Okay, but you really didn't have to do that for me Rainbow Steve..!" Sabre hesitated.

"It is fine I think you'll like the surprise once you see it!" I replied.

"I just hope when we go to the Orange Kingdom we don't have to do any chores for the Orange Steves.." Sabre sighed.

"Yeah.." I mustered. "Anyways! Here is your surprise!" I handed him the new outfit.

"Wow, Rainbow Steve you really didn't have to do this for me I was perfectly fine with what I have right now but I love it! It's even in my favorite color! I'll go try it on right now the we can go to the Orange Kingdom and talk to the Orange Leader!" Sabre mustered.

Sabre went upstairs to his room to try on the outfit I made.

What did I ever do to deserve such a caring, innocent, loving dork like you...

Little does he know how innocent Sabre really is he has never seen him in a fight before and hopefully he never has to witness what Sabre can really do in a fight...

I wait for Sabre to come back downstairs so we can teleport to the Orange Kingdom. Not before long Sabre came down in the new outfit and we head outside to teleport to the Orange Kingdom. Once we teleported we were startled by what we teleported into.

Total Chaos surrounded them. Little did they know what they were in for...

Thank you guys so much for 2.1k! I guess a little bit of Twisted Rainbow is mixed in with this to. I totally didn't mean for that to happen. I won't be able to update for the next week since I have a big event I'm going to for one of my extracurricular activities and I'll be there from Wednesday to Sunday so sorry for the delay I hope you guys understand! I'm slowly making the sections longer but I'm just writing what I think in the moment so yeah I'm sorry if this is all over the place I totally didn't forget about Chaos Steve for a bit... Ha..Ha.. I know cliffhangers are the worst but we are getting to a good part in the story! I tried to make this above 1000 words it was really hard personally because I was running out of ideas for this section! Love you guys thank you for the amazing support! Have a good day/night where ever you guys are please leave recommendations I will try to do them if I come up with something for the thing you recommend! Be safe and take care of yourself! Get something to eat or drink! Signing off with 1103 words!

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