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Thank you so much for 3.52k reads! I am so sorry for keeping you guys waiting my schedule has been chaotic with school, start my new YouTube channel, and extracurricular! I didn't mean to keep you guys waiting this long! Another thing I had to deal with is I didn't really have a lot of motivation recently! I hope you guys understand! Please check out my YouTube channel at {•€Mythical Wolfie & Potato€•} and enjoy this part of the story!
Orange Leader's POV

"I think we need to head to the Red Kingdom for this..." the Orange Leader stated.

In almost an instant we were teleported by Rainbow Steve to the Red Kingdom in front of Sabre's friend he calls 'M' house and before you know it Rainbow Steve was already at the door calling for M.

Sabre what even happened to you? Do you know how worried we are right now especially your boyfriend about you? Why do you always hide this kind of stuff from us? You do know you can talk to us about this kind of stuff we are your family after all...

M's(Red Apprentice) POV

"Okay! Okay! I'm coming!" I tell the person knocking at my door.

I open the door to a worried looking Rainbow Steve and before I know it I'm being dragged out of my house by him.

"What- Rainbow Steve! What are you doing!?" I shout at him only answer I get is him looking at me with deep concern and worry.

What has gotten him all worked up like this..? I've never seen him act like this he is normally all cheerful and full of energy... but right now all I can sense is remorse and lack of joy... what happened when I wasn't there..?

I got ripped out of my thoughts when I fell to the ground when Rainbow Steve stopped dragging me. When I got up I saw Sabre unconscious in Orange Leader's arms.

"What happened to Sabre!? Why is he unconscious!?" I questioned with complete concern for the safety of this world since little people know this but the hero aka Rainbow Steve isn't the savior at all but Sabre is.

"No time to talk we need to help him in any way, shape, or form we can! Orange Leader go get the Green Leader we need all the help we can get!" Rainbow Steve directed.

As Rainbow Steve and I bring Sabre inside my house and set him on the couch a certain someone with a salmon on their head decided to pop out of my floor.

"Why hello there! What is going on in here?" the person stated.

"Professor Red! How many times do I have to tell you to stop coming in through my floor!" I yell at the idiotic Red Steve that somehow became a professor.

"Then how else am I supposed to get here quickly?" Professor Red questioned.

"I swear how did you even become a professor in the first place you got to have the most stupid mind out of the Red Steves..." I sighed.

"M? We have more important matters to attend to..." Rainbow Steve reminded me of Sabre's condition.

"Right, show me what damage was caused to Sabre." I tell Rainbow Steve.

Rainbow Steve took off Sabre's shirt to show so many scars on his body and I was absolutely shocked at this.

"Professor get over here we have a serious situation..." I demanded the Professor.

"Oh my, what happened to him?" Professor Red asked.

"The Orange Kingdom got attacked by Chaos Steve and Nightmare Steve. When we got there we saw the Orange Leader was struggling to keep a shield up around the castle with the remaining Orange Steves and Gerald inside and I went to go help him when I realized Sabre was just standing there and then a huge wave of energy just burst from him as he launched himself at the two villains and I couldn't even sense Sabre's power level it was so strong and I think Chaos and Nightmare Steve sensed this to and they tried to put up a fight with Sabre but they soon realized their attacks were barely doing anything to Sabre and they fled away in fear and Sabre just collapsed in the air and I don't know where all these scars came from but I know these scars came from the fight. We also have the Orange Leader on the way with the Green Leader." Rainbow Steve explained as he points out some of the scars.

"Oh wow... that was a lot to take in..." I stated. "The only thing I don't understand is why can't I sense any sort of power from him right now is what confuses me..."

"I understand your confusion M. Believe me I'm the second person he ever met during his journey and never sensed this from him." Rainbow Steve explains to me.

Before we know it the Orange Leader rushes in with the Green Leader with the Violet Leader right behind them.

"Okay, where is he!?" the Green Leader demanded.

"He is over here Green Leader! Also why is the Violet Leader here?" Rainbow Steve stated.

"I have been learning some healing magic from Green Clover over here along with us Violet Steves having great healing potions so I figured I could help." the Violet Leader explains as he takes of his bag with potions in it.

"Okay now that everyone is here we can get to work!" I stated.

Everyone gets there things ready as Professor Red goes over Sabre's injuries and writes them all down.

"Okay Green Leader, Violet Leader, and Rainbow Steve(he is part of the Green Crystal now so he does have healing abilities technically) you are good to go to start the healing process!" I tell them as I look over what Professor Red wrote down.

Head injury, multiple stab wounds, some sort of explosion wound on his side, purple marks, cuts in self harming positions, gun shots, and worst of all parts of his body looks like it would fall off at any moment...

Oh God Steve... Sabre what happened to you..? What caused all of this..? Why didn't you tell anybody about this..? We could of helped you if you just told us...

"Okay that should be good he just needs his bandages to be changed daily and some rest. Although I find it strange we could only heal the ones from the fight..." I overhear the Green Leader explaining the situation with Rainbow Steve.

"Thank you guys for coming out here on such short notice and helping us with this..." Rainbow Steve thanked them.

"No problem, it is the least we can do after all you guys have done for us after all. We would make us terrible people if we didn't help you guys out anyways." the Green Leader replied to Rainbow Steve.

"Um.. Rainbow Steve you might want to come take a look at these injuries Professor Red listed..." I told the colorful Steve.

"I'll be over there in second M! Just let me finish up over here and I'll be right over there!" Rainbow Steve replied.

As Rainbow Steve finished up I started cleaning up my desk since it was a mess with books, papers, glass bottles, feathers(to write with), and more importantly a notebook of my adventures with Sabre so far. When I finished clean up the mess I noticed that Rainbow Steve just finished what he was doing and started coming over here.

"Anyways! What did you need of me M!" Rainbow Steve questioned me.

As I prepared myself what I was going to have to witness from his reaction I hand him the list of Sabre's injuries from Professor Red.

All I see on his face is utter despair and remorse as he read the list of injuries...
That's right I'm back finally! Sorry for slow updates please expect them to be more spaced out like this my motivation has kind of been bleh. But I finally got this out for you guys hope you enjoyed this! Wow I made this longer than the last one I wrote over 1000 words! Well you guys do deserve it after all with all the amazing support and love for this I know the updates are slow but remember I'm balancing 3 extracurricular activities, school work, this book, my home life and my YouTube channel! So please understand that my schedule is very busy but hopefully there will be more updates after the end of this March! Have a good day/night where ever you are and stay safe! Love you all! Be nice to everyone and take care of yourself! If you notice someone is having a hard time just ask if their okay you never know how just saying 'Are you okay?' can change someone's life! You never know what one person is going through so think about what they are possibly going through before you judge them! Things will eventually get better and Covid will eventually stop! Signing off with 1516 words!

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