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Sabre's POV

"In this form I go by DARK REVERSE!" 'Dark Reverse' cackled.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" I demanded them.

"I'm afraid you can't know that because it will lead to my master plans downfall..." Dark Reverse spoke vaguely.


"Nothing. Just leaving you here so I don't fail.." Dark Reverse replied. "...Heh..."

Rainbow Steve's POV

"It has been 3 DAYS now Orange Leader and Sabre still hasn't woken up!" I panick.

"I..I know Rainbow. We are doing all we can right now. Whatever Chaos Steve did to him must have been real bad to put him in this state..." Orange Leader trys to comfort me.

"What if he doesn't wake up!" I panick even more.

"Umph..guys..." Yellow Leader spoke up.

"Yeah Honeysuckle?" Orange Leader replies.

"Seriously Pumpkin, Honeysuckle?" the Yellow Leader asks. "Anyways, to what I was going to say did anybody noticed the expression in Dark Steve face?"

"Now that you mentioned it..Yes I did." I thought about it. "It kinda looked like he was sorry for what was about to happen..I thought it was just my imagination at first..."

"Glad I wasn't the only one that noticed!" the Yellow Leader sighed.

"What does this have to do with anything though Yellow Leader?" the Green Leader asked as he walked in with a sleeping Violet Leader.

"My point is it seems like Reverse Steve knew something about Dark Steve and Sabre that we don't. Kind of like Dark Steve and Sabre are the key to something.." the Yellow Leader answered.

"I mean if you look back into the past with previous villains Sabre had to deal with.." the Orange Leader spoke. "Sabre was the one that caused their downfall and nobody else could do it.."

"Orange Leader...I think I know where you're going with this..." I confess. "If Sabre didn't show up in this world the Nightmare King would have still been out there hurting Steves. Which made Sabre the key to their downfall and their master plans downfall..."

"So Sabre is the key to defeating Chaos Steve..." the Green Leader caught on. "But what doesn't make sense what did Reverse Steve know about Dark Steve that would ruin his plan..."

"I might know..." I spoke up. "Sabre has told me about something that has happened to his every now and then.."

"Rainbow Steve go ahead we need as much information right now as we can get.." Light Steve spoke as he just got back telling the other Coloured Steves that the Leaders are having a meeting at the moment.

"Well he told me that there has been times when we teleport to the Rainbow Hub that he is teleported to a lake where Dark Steve is to give him some kind of warning..."


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