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Sorry for not updating yesterday I had an all day event for the club I'm in for school and I didn't get back until 8:30 in the evening for me and I was exhausted. _______________________________

Sabre's POV


That was the last thing I heard I couldn't make out who said it or what was happening.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. And I thought the so called Savior of the Steves, Sabre was stronger than this..." something or someone spoke through the darkness of the mind.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" I screamed into the darkness.

"Who I am is not important right now... What is important is how you are going to get out of here..." it answered.


Rainbow Steve's POV

We all witnessed Sabre falling to the ground and going limp. I couldn't even focus on what was happening at the time after we all shouted Sabre's name.

"R..Rainbow.. Steve...?" the Orange and Yellow Leader said my name with hesitation with concern in there voices.

What we all just witnessed none of us expect. From what it seemed like Reverse and Dark Steve just merged together to form what we decided to call him Chaos Steve...

"Hey we're ba-" the Violet Leader got his sentence cut off when him and Green Leader see Sabre's state.

Green Leader went to Sabre to see if he is still alive.. Phew he is still alive.

Green Leader POV (new perspective yay!)

"Good news he is still alive he just blacked out is all." As I told them the news many emotions went across their faces.

"B..Bad..New..s" Rainbow Steve spoke up shocking everyone else.

"Bad News... I don't know when he will wake up... It seems he might have some sort of sleeping disorder... so that could also affect when he wakes up..." I broke the news.

Rainbow Steve's POV

Everything seemed so distant like none of this was real. That this was all a dream but those words the Green Leader spoke snapped me back to reality.

I noticed everyone had the same look of sorrow when I looked to see if it wasn't true.


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