My Family [28]

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Haruki was sat at the dinner table on top a cushion kicking his legs back and forth slightly absolutely starving. Him and Laito where talking about absolutely loads of nonsense, Haruki was doing most of the talking, random gibberish about what he's been doing and how both his stuffed toys have been. Laito for the past months had dreamed of having these random conversations with his son and now he couldn't stop smiling to the child knowing that they had all their lives to do this together.

A soft kiss and pat on the head broke Haruki out of his trance,
"Welcome back home son" Shu said softly, not surprised as he already knew Haruki was back thus he didn't have the most emotional welcoming. Shu was happy that Haruki was back,very happy, and wanted to make all the time that he lost back to the little boy.
"Hello otosan" Haruki said smiling turning to his otosan wiping the kiss from his forehead with his sleeve, "I missed you" he finished quietly.
"I missed you too little prince" this made Haruki's smile to grow even bigger ,if even possible letting out soft giggles. "Did they treat you okay?"
"Yes otosan me and grandpa had so much fun together then my uncles were so nice to me"
"Uncles?" Laito asked very surprised but before he could ask more a certain tsundere walked in the room.

"Flower?" Subaru whispered out wide eyed.
"BABA!" Haruki yelled jumping down from his chair and ran straight into Subarus legs. Too shocked to even comprehend what was happening Subaru was frozen in his spot.
"I missed you loads baba"
Subaru knocked himself out of his trance and collapsed to his knees clutching into Haruki's small form tightly.
"Where did you go?" he whispered out
"I'm sorry baba"
"Your never leaving again, never" Subaru said letting some tears fall
"yes baba I wont leave"Haruki's replied also crying slightly.
With their emotional hello the other two at the table couldn't look away seeing their little brother actually shoe other emotions than just anger.
After whipping both their eyes Subaru picked Haruki up and started walking around to his place at the table but keep Haruki on his lap making sure the boy wouldn't leave again, making them face each other Subaru stroking Haruki's front hair ,that wasn't put up, softly making Haruki smile and giggle slightly at the feeling.

"Spud?" "Haru-ru?" "H-haruki?" Three voices called out making Haruki turn from Subaru to the three new people in the room
"When did you get back?" Ayato demanded sowing many different emotions not knowing how to feel , 'anger,disappointment, happiness or relief'.
"Haru-ru me and teddy are both very upset with you"kanato said looking emotionless to the boy deep down happy that he had someone to play with.
"Haruki welcome home" Yui said smiling widely seeing the only redeeming fact about this house back where he belongs.
"Knock it off you two he's back and that's all that matters" Shu said not wanting any drama to unfold possibly upsetting Haruki.
"For once he's right, now dinner ready" Reiji said placing plates down in front of everyone Haruki's next to Subarus knowing that the youngest brother wouldn't let him go.
"Now Haruki we've got to talk to you" Reiji continued after sitting in his own seat.
Haruki looked down to Subarus arm which was wrapped around his small waist feeling upset with himself knowing what the conversation was going to be about.
"Your not allowed to leave this house without one of us going with you, the outside can be very dangerous for a small boy like you and last time you got lost we couldn't find you we were so scared" Reiji continued lecturing the small boy.
"I'm sorry dada" he replied still looking down.

"-sigh-We know your sorry Haruki but we need to know when you do stuff like that, you need to listen and tell us everything that you do so we know your safe at all times. Last time you were supposed to be in your room for a timeout but you left, even if you don't agree with what we say, you have to do it we are your fathers and you need to listen and do what we tell you to, ok" Shu said opening both his eyes holding the boys chin up to face him properly.
"Okay otosan" haruki said wholeheartedly not wanting to feel like this ever again.

"Now you back, how did your grandpa treat you"
"Oh grandpas was very fun he had a big castle and guess what he's a king I didn't know that"
"He does have a big house doesn't he" Shu said trying to not cringe at his words.
"You hair looks nice up haruki" Yui said smiling at the boy, she was really happy that he was back. Haruki was her saviour in this house after he left the brothers became more violent and horrible towards her and then she didn't have anyone to hug her and treat her like an actual person.
"Oh yeah uncle Yuma taught me how to put it up" Haruki said smiling happily at the compliment.

"Uncle who?" Subaru said, trying not to sound angry which wasn't working that well.

"Ummm uncle Yuma." Haruki said wearily looking up to his baba

"So that's where he's been, how long have you been with them tiny-kun?" Laito asked the only one at the table not really feeling pissed on where he's been.
"Umm I don't know days?" Haruki said not knowing at all starting to eat his food ignoring the next conversation.

"He can't have been with them long" Yui said knowing that she only left theirs recently truing to lighten the tension forming on the table
"Well at least he won't have to see them ever again" Ayato stated boldly.

"No" Shu said

"What do you mean no?"kanato asked venomously annoyed that Haruki was tainted by the half breeds filth

"I made a deal with them"

"Why?, for what?" Subaru almost yelled out.

"It was the only way we were going to get him back. He's with them from the end of the week to the beginning of the weekend" Shu stated simply closing his eyes again.

"But why would you agree to that?" Reiji and Laito asked very annoyed,

"Because I did" and nothing else was said after that Shu was the eldest and as much as the rest hated that he did have the last say.

13th march 2022
1138 words
Kind sad whilst writing this realising then end is getting closer and closer
Please vote and recommend to friends 😁
Also first 4 chapters of 'little duck' have been posted, if you like this book you'll like my new one.

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