Packing up [21]

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"Wow your room is very cute little neko"Kou commented on Haruki's room that he barely used intruding on Haruki and Yuma packing the younger's toys into the now half full suitcase.
"Yeah grandpa made it all for me isn't that cool. Ooooo come here" Haruki said jumping up and tugging kous hand towards his very large bed especially for a 4 year old.
"Here meet Lammy and Mr penguin" he said picking up their paws and waving them to the blue eyed blond, showcasing his very bright smile.
"Nice to meet you"Kou said going along with his nephews behaviour waving back to them acting as if they were alive.

"Right we're gunna have to pack most of his clothes"Yuma said to himself, opening his drawers pulling out the very small clothes. Both Kou and Haruki just stood watching Yuma.

"Guys Have You Finished"Azusa's slow voice spoke as he entered the room.

"Oh Azusa here, meet Lammy and Mr penguin" Kou said stepping out from between the child and his uncle trying to make sure Azusa doesn't get left out, Kou knowing his brother well.
"Hello Lammy Hello Mr Penguin"Azusa said leaning down to Haruki,
"They said hello back"

"Ruki Wanted me To make Sure That you two Don't Fight" Azusa said summing up what Ruki told him to do.

"Is that all he thinks of us? Great" Yuma grunted out clearly annoyed, still with his back towards the lot, sat down moving clothes around to make space.

"Maybe he's worried about you" Haruki says innocently twirling back and forth observing the three.
"KAWAIIIIIIIIIIIII"Kou squeezed out picking up his nephew giggling kissing his cheeks all over.
"Ooo" squeaked out of Haruki's mouth going all red and giggling at the affection. "Heheheheh that tickles",
"Kou calm down he can barely breath" Ruki said entering the room, "now are you all packed little lord?" Ruki asked the boy in his brothers arms.
"Almost Mr" Haruki said blinking slowly at the dark haired half vamp.
"You don't have to call him mr, little neko. Just call him uncle Ruki, me Uncle Kou, uncle Yuma over there and finally uncle Azusa" Kou said smiling at the little boy in his arms, also making sure the 4 year old knew their names.

"And that should be it"Yuma said zipping up the second used suitcase, "all packed little mouse"

"Let's go then" Ruki said exiting the room, the other following in tou.

"Haruki come here and give me a hug" Karlheinz said crouching down opening his arms wide for a specific child to jump into, which he did end up doing.

"I'm gunna miss you lots grandpa" Haruki cried slightly into his grandpas arms.
"You too little man, you too"
"I love you grandpa"
"Love you too little man don't you ever forget that and I'll see you soon enough ok"
bye bye" Haruki said pulling out of his grandpas grasp a few stray tears falling and not just from the younger.
Karlheinz gave him one last kiss on the head then stood up.
"Take care of him, If anything happens to him consider yourselves dead" was Karlheinz's final threat giving his grandson over to his second set of children.
"He'll be fine with us"

"Bye bye grandpa" haruki said sadly giving into his urge of needing to suck his thumb as a way to comfort him waving sadly at his grandpa, more tears watering his eyes.
Ruki walked up to haruki and held his unoccupied hand pulling him in the direction of the limo, Azusa followed holding both of Haruki's prized friends, Kou was bouncing around being happy with the new company he's getting and Yuma, oh he's putting the suitcases in the trunk.
"Come on now little lord, we have a room we need to set up for you when we get back and we need your expertise in designing it, you think you can help?" Ruki asks trying to distract the little boy.
"Mhmmm I cwan hewp" Haruki said still with his thumb in his mouth,
"I thought you might be able to" Ruki said smirking slightly then getting the little boy in the safely into the limo.
"This is going to be so much fun right Azusa-kun" Kou said happily
"Yeah Lots Of Fun" Azusa said behind Kou getting into the limo too.
"Kou your gunna scare the poor kid, calm down" Yuma called out slamming shut the trunk.

"Nawwwwww Ruki why can't he sit on my lap" all the brothers were in the limo now and they had left the castle not more than 5 minutes ago.
"Kou I have to agree with Yuma on this" Ruki said with Haruki on his lap cuddling to his two best friends thumb still in mouth.
"WHYYYYYYYY" Kou whined out pouting.
"We have a long drive and I would have hoped that Haruki would sleep for the most of it, which isn't possible if you're getting him hyper with your personality"
Ruki wasn't wrong Haruki was feeling very sleepy after all the emotions he's had to endure all day going to sleep was all the little boy needed.
"Do you want to sleep little lord?" Ruki questioned smugly knowing what his nephew needed.
Haruki then turned and snuggled into his uncle deciding that he wanted to go to sleep answering his uncles question without having to speak.
"Goodnight little lord"
"Night night little neko"
"Night mouse"
"Goodnight   Haruki"
Where the last things Haruki heard before giving into the sleep that was dawning on him.

"He's so cute" Kou awed.
"Yeah how'd they make that" Yuma questioned utterly confused.
"He is cute, very cute and we need to look after him" Ruki said ending the conversation, happily sat with his nephew cuddling into him.

22nd January 2022
998 words

Well uploaded this book and one of my older books
Currently weighting another chapter for my newest book
Feel as if I've done a lot today.

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