Playtime [18]

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Haruki's pov

Opening my eyes after my long sleep I can see grandpa sleeping cuddling me. The previous night of being lost came back to me still feeling very scared I cuddled into him more. 'I don't want to be alone again' the fear of being  alone was all I could think of.

No pov

Unaware the small bean stared crying, this caused the vampire king to slowly wake up.

"Hey hey" he whispered quietly sitting up holding onto the crying Haruki. "Hey now no need to cry, what's wrong little man?" He asked rocking back and forth to sooth the boy into calming down.

"The w-w-woods were so scar-ry" it was obvious that the situation had traumatised the young boy.

"It's ok, you here now, grandpa's got you no need to be afraid" he started to calm down almost being lullled back to sleep. "Sorry little man you need breakfast, grandpa needs to sort somethings out I will be back soon so get dressed and come downstairs I'll meet you there, ok little man?"
All Haruki could do was nod his head in his grandpa's chest before fully looking up at him with big eyes.
"Thought so" was Karlheinz's last words before kissing the boy on the head and teleporting elsewhere to make sure everything to do with Haruki's arrival was sorted out.

Haruki's pov

Small groans left my lips as i struggled with my clothes.
i was wanting to look good for grandpa so I started looking through the drawers filled with clothes too small for anyone else but me 'grandpa must have got them for me' this was the first time I had to pick out clothes for myself my dad's usually did that. I kept on trying to get dressed myself but failed miserably. Grumbling and puffing my cheeks in defeat, "I can't do it!" I whined as I then sat down on the ground pouting.

I didn't want to go to my grandpa for help since I didn't want him to think I'm that much of a baby,but I had no other choice. I stood up and held my clothes in one hand while the other held me penguins flipper.
I walked around the large corridors in search for my grandpa, i stood in front of the door which I could here his voice and took a deep breath "Alright, let's do it!" I whispered giving myself some encouragement and courage. I opened the door a little bit and took a peek inside, "grandpa?" I called out unsure of what to say i saw him sitting there in a chair, sipping on some tea. I could see his arm waving for me to come in, so i opened the door fully and ran inside straight up to him."grandpa can you help me please?" I asked as sweetly as possible. grandpa looked at me for a moment pausing, "You don't know how to get dressed?" He asked while i smiled sheepishly at him, playing with the flipper of my prized penguin in my hands, "I tried to, but I couldn't do it. My dads normally help me, so I erm" i trailed off, giving a nervous/embarrassed laugh. "You came to grandpa for help." He finished and i nodded my head rapidly too embarrassed to say it. The vampire king sighed and pulled me forward to help me out. It didn't take him long to get me dressed in my new clothes.i smiled brightly as i started to look at myself, "I look like you, grandpa!" You exclaimed before giving a cute little giggle twirling in the more princely outfit that matched grandpas a bit.

No pov

Karlheinz stare at Haruki's small and bouncy figure. He found himself unconsciously staring at him and his cute tiny features "Adorable child." He thought.Haruki noticed his grandpa looking at him so he stared back, Haruki kept on staring at him until Karlheinz suddenly picked the small child up and stuffed his face in Haruki's stomach tickling him, "G-Grandpa that T-Tickles!!!" Haruki laughed with surprise as he flailed his chubby hands and stumpy legs. Karlheinz pulled away and placed the boy back in his arms, "Can't I play with my grandson for a bit?" He teased and you gave him a pout, "You could've told me you wanted to play with me." Karlheinz smiled slightly and petted his grandsons head."Of course, I want to but after breakfast ok."

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