The rest of school [7]

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I leaped out of babas arms and ran straight for Otochan's legs.

No pov
Startled Shu turned his head round and looked down to see his son clutching at his legs looking back up at him smiling widely.
"Hi otochan" he said before giggling and cuddling into his legs dropping Lammy on the floor at his feet.
From the crowd a worried Subaru emerged.
"Haruki" he called kneeling down to his height,"you can't just run off away into a crowd like that, you could have gotten lost or hurt or both. Do you Understand" Subaru scolded lightly trying not to scare the child.
Still gripped to Shu Haruki spoke innocently looking to the floor twirling his feet, "I'm sorry baba, I was just exited to see otochan".
"Thats no excuse Haruki, although I am happy you want to see me but you can't run off from us it's dangerous. So just say close and listen to us ok?"
Shu spoke also crouched down to Haruki's height.
"Okay" Haruki said sweetly going straight in to hug Shu which Shu happily complied picking Haruki up.
"Now we need lunch otochan" haruki said as he saw Subaru pick Lammy up.
"You hungry little one?" shu asks the small boy in his arms.
"YES YES YES" chanted Haruki clapping his little hands "and I get to see my other dads".
"Did you miss us whilst we were in lesson?" Shu asks walking towards the canteen Subaru following behind.
"Yes, baba let us sleep all the time but now I'm all awake" you could tell Haruki was wide awake with how hyperactive he was behaving.
"Has he had any sugar?" Shu asks Subaru wondering if that would be the reason he was so hyped up.
"He hasn't, all that I've seen him eat are some fruit and yoghurt snacks that Reiji packed for him, I don't think he's had anything else" Subaru says now next to Haruki and Shu. "He's probably just exited to see the others"
Haruki at this point was just looking between the two listening to their conversation looking absolutely adorable causing both of the elders eyes to soften looking at him.
"Come on let's get you some lunch".

Upon entering the cafeteria everyone's eyes turned to face the three who had just entered mainly the small child before they all turned away remembering the fiasco this morning.

Walking up to an empty table I was placed down onto a seat and given Lammy back. "Wait right here Haruki we will be back in a few minutes with our food. You'll be ok right?" Subaru asked the little cinnabun roll who nodded eagerly in response, happy that he was going to get some proper food and not just light snacks.
Then both Shu and Subaru walked off the the line to get food.

Haruki's pov

Once otochan and baba left I was bored but then Lammy reminded me of my backpack which dada put some stuff in for me which one of those things was a colouring book which really exited us.
As I pulled the book and some crayons I notice that is isn't just an ordinary colouring book it apparently helped you get smarter somehow. 'Dada must be trying to make me smart just like him' I thought happily.
Exited I open the book to the first page and empty all my crayons out in front of me on the table then starting to colour in some animals with words underneath, well that was until a voice spoke to me.

"Well hello there cutie"
I look up to see a really pretty girl who had decided sit across from me.
"H-h-hello" I say pretty scared grabbing Lammy to comfort me.

"What's your name baby boy?" She asks me smiling softly.
'She seems nice I think'
"M-m-my n-names H-Haruk-ki" I say still extremely nervous with also the fact that I am alone.

"That's a cute name, and whose your adorable little friend?" She asks pointing at Lammy.
"Oh his name is Lammy, he is my bestest friend" I say managing to avoid stuttering looking down towards my Lammy smiling at him.

"My names kora" kora said smiling "say why are you say all alone?"

"Oh my otochan and my baba are getting lunch, and and my other dads should be coming they all promised to eat with me, isn't that good" I said getting all exited again.
"So are all of them really your dads?" She asked but it sounded off.
"Yes they are my mommy told me so" I answer a bit more mellow.
"Whose your mommy?" She asked, more like demanded in a weird tone but before I got a chance to answer I hear papa Laito's voice.

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