Chapter 56

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"I guess you're about to become the king." I say to Marco at the end. There's no point in pretending our dad is going to survive longer than a few more days.

"I never... I didn't think it would turn out like this."

"None of us did. But we need to come up with a story. The palace is more or less empty. The only witnesses to my crime are assassins who helped me. We need to make sure your rise to the throne doesn't arouse any suspicions."

"The queen was killed by those assassins. No one needs to know anything different." Liam states, before continuing. "One of them posed as a guard and sent everyone else away so that they could do their dirty work. The queen fought, but was ultimately defeated. It was part of a secret plot to overthrow the royal family. However, when they came after the prince, he won the fight, killing the assassins in self-defence."

"And the princess's unfortunate death was also part of the plot." I say, staring down as I pick at my fingernails. I can feel the prickling gazes of Marco and Liam.

"That's what you want?" Liam asks. "After everything you've gone through, that's what you want?"

I meet his gaze. "I want to speak to Helena and Nessa. If they can keep my secrets, then yes, it's what I want."

"The more people that know, the more likely it is that your survival will be uncovered." Marco cautions. I'm fully aware of the truth in his words. "I don't want my reign being overshadowed by the conspiracy of your faked death."

"If people realise I'm still alive, we spin another tale. I was kidnapped, and a forgetting spell was cast on me. A spell that someone accidently lifted."

"This is risky."

"This is my choice." I assert. "I'm making a life for myself on Earth, and I want to keep it. At first, I thought I would never be able to be myself again. But I don't need to use my real name to be myself. I only need my freedom."

Marco sighs. "Keep your new life. At least one of us should be free." He stares longingly out the window.

"Let me come with you." Liam says to me.

"As what?" I scoff. "No normal person has a guard. Your talents are needed here."

"As your friend." He pauses, before grinning. "And maybe secretly as your guard too."

"You would really leave everything behind for me?" I don't want that for him. But there's also a part of me that does want him to come with me."

"In a heartbeat."

Once again, I recall Liam's confession of romantic feelings. It breaks my heart a little as I realise just how deep his love for me goes. And just how much I don't reciprocate his feelings.

"If you don't want to be here, you're dismissed." Marco says.

"Not until the palace residents return." Liam insists. "I would be a lousy guard if I left the future king alone."

"How very noble of you." Marco's tone might be sarcastic, but his lazy smile is genuine.

"I'll see you soon then." I say to Liam, standing from my seat.

"I don't want you leaving alone, either." Marco objects.

I open my mouth to argue, but I'm beaten to it.

"Who says she's going to be alone?" Isaac asks, wandering out of my bedroom.

"You just couldn't leave me be." I shake my head teasingly. He must've used the portal to come after me.

"I got worried." He admits quietly. "Apparently, I didn't need to be."

"No." A bloody sword flashes before my eyes. "I'll fill you in later, but for now, there's somewhere I need to be." I give Liam a pointed stare, daring him to argue. He bows his head slightly in resignation and respect. I grab Isaac's hand and lead him back into my bedroom.

"Are you alright?" He asks, scanning me up and down. His eyes latch onto the line of dried blood peaking through a rip in my leggings where Darcey cut me.

"I'm the one who survived the fight." I answer. There are some truths I still can't quite speak aloud. Isaac doesn't need to hear that I'm now a murderer. It can't have been self-defence if Darcey had already been struck down by an arrow. It was straight up murder.

The first tear escapes my eye, sliding down my cheek. Then another springs free. Tears stream down my face like a dam has finally burst. Isaac sweeps me into hug, holding me close. I cry onto his shoulder. He weaves one hand into my hair and strokes my back reassuringly with his other. I barely register the distant sound of a door closing.

"It's okay. You're okay. It's all over now." Isaac tells me softly.

"I hate this." I mumble back, voice unsteady through my crying. Isaac patiently waits for me to continue. "I hate how much I've cried these past few months. I hate feeling so vulnerable around you."

"Pain makes us who we are. You're a stronger person because of it." I don't believe him, but I don't feel like arguing right now.

I sniffle as the tears finally thin out.

"Do you want to meet my friends?" I ask, lifting my head up to look at him. "The ones I made on Topia."

"I would be honoured." Isaac smiles gently at me.

"Can I use your phone? I left mine at your house." I didn't think a phone would be very useful in a fight.

"Sure." Isaac hands his phone over.

I know Nessa and Helena's numbers from memory, so I type out a simple text for them:

Meet me at the willow in 10 mins. xXx

The willow is a particular tree in Nessa's garden where the three of us used to meet. And the three kisses were a signature when we texted each other. I can only hope that Nessa and Helena get the message.

I give Isaac's phone back to him, before grabbing a navy cloak from my wardrobe. Then I lead Isaac through the portal and directly to Nessa's mansion.

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