Chapter 37

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Isaac comes to find me the next evening while I'm chilling in my room.

"I'm going to speak to Adrianna." He says, leaning against the open doorway. "Come with me."

"Why?" It's not that I don't want to help. I simply don't know why he might need my help.

Isaac wanders over to the bed and sits down beside me. "I need you to stop me doing something I'll regret." His voice is low.

"Like what?"

"Whatever Adrianna asks of me. I would do almost anything to protect my sister." Looking in his eyes, I see the truth in his words. I expect it to scare me, but it doesn't. Instead, it makes me want to love him more.

"Come on, then."

We grab shoes and coats before leaving the house. Isaac ushers me into his car. He seems to know exactly where Adrianna will be.

We stop outside a solitary cottage. Unlike the cottage that was supposed to be mine, this one is rundown. The roof's thatching is crooked. No flowers grow in the garden. The building itself seems to be blackening to a shadow of its former self.

Without a word, Isaac escorts me around the cottage to a side door. The door has a keypad, and Isaac types in a pin code. It silently swings open to reveal a metallic staircase leading underground.

"What is all this?" I ask suspiciously.

"I'll explain everything later."

Isaac attempts to walk through the door. I block his path.

"Tell me what I'm getting myself into." I demand. "I didn't sign up for more secrets when I agreed to join you."

Isaac sighs. "I told you the bullies asked me to join them, didn't I?" I nod. "I was more involved than you think. This was their hideout. I might not have been one of them, but I still hung out with them here sometimes." Shame graces his face.

"You mean you were friends with them?" I'm kind of disgusted, but mostly shocked.

"For a time, yes. Do you still want to come in with me?" Isaac sounds like it wouldn't surprise him if I replied 'no'.

"Yes." I don't hesitate. "Don't think you can scare me away so easily after being there for me these past few months."

I move aside and he leads the way into Adrianna's hidden hideout.

The hideout itself is a combination between a futuristic office and a gothic lair. Sleek black and silver furniture litters the large room. An impressive display of computer monitors shows various images, including Isaac's car parked outside the cottage. Electronic lanterns cast an orange glow over the dark space.

Adrianna slouches on a black beanbag, tapping away on her phone. "I'm glad you made it." She says, not bothering to look up at us.

"What's the deal?" Isaac asks.

Adrianna sighs, sets down her phone, and turns to face us. "All work and no play. Sure I can't tempt you?" She runs a hand from her neck down her body, clothed in skimpy latex. I can't imagine her walking out in the cold wearing such little fabric.

"Don't even try it." Isaac cautions, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"You used to be so much more fun." She pouts, standing up to be on a more equal level with us. "I bet she's never moaned for you as much as I have."

The words cut me like a knife in the heart. Maybe there are things I've neglected to tell Isaac. But this revelation makes me re-evaluate him completely. How well do I really know him?

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